Month: March 2005

  • Well, today wasn’t a bad day.  Surprise playing test in orchestra that I completely blew to hell.  I’ll have a chance to replay for him, though.  I think I aced my english exam of all of Julius Caesar.  Watched a movie in french and history… Fell asleep in marine biology… and stayed after school to take the ac superb test.  I did okay on that.  Hmmm… I’m starting to bloat for the upcoming greatest event of the month.  -_-  And I still feel sick.  I ate a hotdog at lunch today, so that probably didn’t help any.  I always get sick when I eat hotdogs… arg, when am I ever going to get over this stomach flu?!?!  Ridiculous.  Maybe I have something else…  anyway, not too much to say.  I wish it would hurry up and be spring break… tomorrow’s.. friday!  Yeah!  *whoot whoot*  Yay sleeping time.  …I really am sick of being sick. 

    “You’re weird”  I must’ve heard that six times today from various people.  … hm… heh.

  • Today was a good day.  Besides… the reminder of Zach.   

    Wadkins was back today.  He was gone all last week.  I missed him!!!  Back to the old routine for orchestra.    Venderly had about a 10 minute period of silence at the beginning of class.  A lot of Zach’s close friends are in my english class.  That was… depressing…  Plus, we were going over the part in Julius Caesar when Casear is stabbed, so I mean.. she had to keep saying “death” with an awkward pause.  Logy has this mouth plate thing in his mouth.  Expander?  I don’t know.  It makes him funny to listen to, though. Hehe.  Plus his haircut looks quite odd… lol, I can’t take him seriously.  Brit and I were razzin’ him about it this morning.  I think I’m going to do.. ok..ay…. on the math quarter final tomorrow.  I took notes in class… and… I’ll study some tonight.  I didn’t stay after school like I planned.  I think I understand it now.. hopefully..  Just need to remember some of the equations.  Anyhoo, we played “Who Wants to be a Millionaire” in history today.  I thought Stephenson’s speech at the beginning of class about Zach was the best I’ve heard thus far.  Just.. that’s life.. it happens.. it’s upsetting, but we have to move on.. etc.  French was…. french.  That class is so monotonous I swear I don’t know how I stand it.  The bus ride home was just funny.  We have assigned seats now because our bus driver can’t stand excess noise.  lol, weeell… all the other people just sat up in the front of the bus with us.  So.. we just took our group.. and moved it.  lol, doesn’t even matter anymore!!  He can’t stop us!!  Never!!!  Whahaha… haha… ahem.    I guess I’m going to go to Kohls and Barnes & Noble tonight.. yay fun.  Hmm… now how am I going to fit my daily Butthead conversation into my stressful schedule… lol, aww I feel for him.  He has so much work to do this week.    … at least it’s not me!  lol, okay well, so long.


    Hmm… well now I’m back home.  Time to do hw!!  Yaaay.  -_-


    “I galloped on the penis.” -Brit, misinterpreting my saying, “as long as I don’t

    mean it.”  lol, yeeeeeah.    Haha, our conversations are just hilarious.


    …why is this blue? …  my font is going wacko, mon.

  • So hello.  I’ve been writing notes for history all day… how fun.  Yesterday, I found out that Zach Gentry died.  And Joey DeBolt is in critical condition.  That is very upsetting.  I hope Joey gets better.  I knew Zach pretty well in elementary school… I can’t believe he’s gone.  …

    Well, I’m not going to go anywhere for Spring Break.  …nor do I ever… Jacky and I plan to go to a movie.  (Ring 2 Ring 2 Ring 2 *gets pompoms* you knoooow you want to see it!!!  hehe)  I’m getting obsessed with nintendo games again.  I haven’t played them in a while… now I can’t seem to get away from the adrenaline rush of shooting people and causing chaos in the city…  (True Crime: Streets of LA)  I love that game.  My braces will be off in 2 weeks!  Yaaay.  …  I am actually not that excited over it.  I wonder why…  Well, I’m kind of tired.  I dread Tuesday.  Test in every class.  -_-  Bleh.  I think homework has drained my brain.  *splat* yep that was the last of it falling onto the floor.  I’d better quit typing before I get the keyboard bloody.

    “this place has really gone to hell lately…”  -civilians on True Crime … hehehe… 

    PS  I love Brandon!  I loooove him!  Love love love.  Lots of love.  …   (just so he doesn’t feel insecure. …)

  • OOOOkay since this is reeeeally long… I’ll just write an actual entry later, k?  K.     Happy reading!!! (I completed this over a series of a few days… so if some answers don’t quite make sense.. that could be why.) 

    .::PAST ::.

    First grade teacher’s name: Mrs. Wismer.  She always called me “Shelb” -_-

    Last word(s) you said: “Uhh…”  just now while trying to remember what I last said. 

    Last song you sang: “Hotel California” by the eagles!

    Last person you hugged: Ricky… I think.

    Last thing you laughed at: Matt’s link on this profile under “congratulations”

    Last time you said I don’t remember: today, while taking a history quiz… heh…

    Last time you cried: hmm… well I about… 2 weeks ago?  I touched a bare wire connected to overhang lamp.. which is strong, but I’m not sure how strong.  It literally threw me across the room and I fell on my butt bone that already has problems.  Um.. ouch.  Besides pain…!  Um… hm.. well read back in my xanga and that’ll tell ya. 

    What’s in your CD player: a mixed cd I made… hot hot hits 17.  (mmm… don’t ask.)

    What clothes are you wearing: a pink tube top with black polka dots and a tie around the top of it… and American Eagle jeans.  (love American Eagle)

    What time did you wake up today: 6:10ish

    Current taste: vanilla mint chap stick.. eeh..

    Current longing: food!!!!  Pizza pizza. 

    Current desktop picture: yellow oleanders.  (my fav. flower)

    Current worry: hmmm… don’t get me started.

    Current hate: those who don’t seem to understand the meaning of “no”

    Favorite physical feature of the opposite sex: eyes and hands.

    Last CD that you listened to: well that would be what is left in my cd player.

    Favorite place(s) to be: I haven’t been to very many places at all.  But I loved Arizona. 

    Least favorite place(s): home…. This house.. these walls… same fucking walls I’ve been staring at my entire life… ahem. 

    If you could play an instrument, what would it be: well I play the flute and piccolo already.. I’d love to learn the bass flute.  Aaand.. piano of course.  And guitar, so I’m going to take lessons my senior year.  Drums would be nice, but I just don’t think I would be cut out for that.  Oboe.. violin or viola… and trumpet or French horn. 

    Favorite color: red red red red red red red… sometimes pink.

    Do you believe in an afterlife: yes

    How tall are you: I think 5’5”

    Favorite book: Midnight Bayou by Nora Roberts and The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand

    Favorite season: autumn

    Favorite day: First day of spring


    Where do you want to go: Italy… and Ireland.

    What is your career going to be like: oh god…  dealing with loonies for the rest of my life… ha!  You decide.  Eh I’ll like it… hopefully.

    How many kids do you want: 2-3

    What kind of car will you have: wishful thinking?  Maseratti Spyder.  If not, I’ll settle for a Toyota Spyder.

    .::HAVE YOU EVER::.

    [Gotten in a fight w/your dog/cat/bird/fish, etc]: sure…

    [Been to New York?:] nope

    [Been to Florida?:] nope

    [California?:] nope

    [Hawaii?:] nope

    [Mexico?:] nope, but I’d LOVE TO visit what’s left of the Aztec empire!!!!!!!!

    [China?:] nope

    [Canada?:] nope.. lol, this is getting sad…

    [Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day:] hmm.. I don’t think so… years later, yes.

    [Had an imaginary friend?:] lol, does John count??  Hehehehe… might want to think twice before killing that cockroach next time…


    [Do you have a crush on someone?:] well, I’m attracted to some peoples, but who isn’t?

    [Worst feeling in the world:] getting heartbroken

    [What is the first thing you think when you wake in the morning?:] “oooh I can sleep in a little longer…”

    [How many rings before you answer?:] usually about 2…

    [Future daughter's name:] hahaha, okay I won’t paste my gigantic list.  Umm.. I’ll just say Scarlet for now.  Or Sharron… Lena… Cameron… Olilia (I made that up)… Ivy… Shekell would be an interesting first name. 

    [Future son's name:] Dakota, Ramsis… my favorite hands down has to be Ethan Roark.  (roark middle name)  Dontcha love it?!?!

    [College plans:] lots… and lots… and lots… of schooling.  Hoping for a phd, but at least my masters.  Aaaah the debt.. L


    [What are you most scared of?:] love… or lack thereof

    [Who is the last person that called you?:] Joey

    [Where do you want to get married?:] somewhere in field.. foresty area behind me… flower ring holding my veil on… very natural, smallish wedding.  Cheap, too! 

    [What do you wanna change about you?:] stop stressing so much!!!

    [Favorite number:] 13 hehe

    [Been In Love?:] yep

    [Are You Timely Or Always Late:] late late late late…

    [ Do You Have A Job:]  nope

    [Do You Like Being Around People:]  well… my friends, yes.  

    [Best feeling in the world:]  love!  (lol, Brandon you’re terrible..)

    [Are you for world peace:]  well yeah, but is that possible?  Ha!

    [Are you a health freak:] I used to be.  Not.. so.. much anymore… heh. 

    [Want Someone You Don't Have Right Now:] not so sure…

    [Are You Lonely Right Now:] not really

    [Ever Afraid You'll Never Get Married:] well… if I don’t get married, then I’ll have my doggies and my kitties and my dickies.  .. I mean…

    [Do You Want To Get Married:] yes

    [Do You Want Kids:] I think so.

    Number of siblings:: one half (Lindsay)
    Glasses/contacts?:: contacts most of the time
    Piercings:: three on ear lobes
    Tattoos:: nope
    Braces?:: -_-

    Band:: ooh tough one… guns ‘n roses or the eagles…
    Stuffed animal:: “The Dog”
    Video game:: True Crime: Streets of LA (hehehe shoot people…)  and I know I’d love DDR if I had one of my own.
    TV show:: “Golden Girls” or “Nip Tuck” … I’m odd…
    Movie:: “Gone with the Wind” is the only thing I can think of right now.  Some classic I don’t know.
    Game on a cell phone:: shooting games!!!  (…. What?)
    CD cover:: MI2 soundtrack ….
    Flower:: oleanders (yellow and white ones are the prettiest)
    Scent:: vanilla
    Animal:: blue whale
    Comic:: Garfield and Luann
    Website:: and and and and and and and and and and and and…
    Cartoon:: the family guy and looney tunes

    DO YOU
    Watch TV more than 60 hours a week?:: haaaa… nooooo
    Like to sing?:: Oh yeah. 
    Like to play sports?:: well.. tennis, but.. eeh… anything that doesn’t hurt my knee too badly. 
    Have any quirky talents?:: I can move my eyes back and forth really quickly… I used to be able to make my tongue into a clover shape, but I think I lost that ability.

    Stand on your tip toes without wearing shoes?:: yep.  One skill never lost from ballet.
    Speak any other languages?:: en peu de francais…
    Stay up for more than 24 hours?::  of course, but not too often.
    Roll your tongue?:: yeppers
    Eat a whole pizza?:: I’ve eaten an entire medium pizza before.. I think…

    Snuck out of the house?:: well, Brit’s house, yeah.
    Seen a shooting star?:: no, but I’ve seen a comet… I still remember it!  Right outside of pizza hut… people were gathered to see it…
    Had a serious surgery?:: no… hope I never have to…
    Stolen something important to someone else?:: never have stolen anything… except for a piece of bulk candy once…
    Gone out in public in your pajamas?:: but of course!    yay pjs
    Cried over someone you like/love?:  yes
    Kissed a random stranger?:: nope.  (lol, paul you nut.)
    Been in a fist fight?:: nope, but I’ve been in many slap fights!  Hehe… lol, and hey Andy, I WON! 
    had alcohol?: eck.  Tried a sip of my mom’s margarita once.  Nasty stuff.
    laughed and had milk come out of your nose?:: lol, no.  (jacky, remember Julie???  *mm mm mm!* hehe)
    Pushed all the buttons on an elevator?:: no.  my god that was so annoying in phoenix…
    Gone to school only to find you had the day?:: heh…. Oops…

    Swore at your parents?:: of course
    Kicked a guy where it hurts?:: tried to
    Broken a bone?:: never!  I’ve hurt my cartilage, though.
    Gotten stitches?:: nope
    Had a waterballoon fight in winter?:: I don’t… think so…
    Drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour?:: actually I think I have, yes.
    Made homemade muffins?:: yes!  Mine rock.  Yum.
    Bitten someone?:: lol, um.. yeeeeah…
    Been to disneyland/disneyworld?:: I went to Disney world when I was reeeally young.. I don’t really remember it… I was sick I guess.  So technically I’ve been to florida… 

    Saw a movie in theaters:: oh my head hurts to think.. well… okay that would’ve been…… um… three weeks ago?  Or two… two?  …  the day I saw “Constantine” with Butthead.
    Read a book:: well, for pleasure, um…. Hm… last year.
    Had a slumber party:: oh geez… long time ago.  ‘twas with brit.
    Made fun of someone:: um… lol, everyday?
    Went to the grocerystore: today.
    Got sick:: I’m sick right now.. I think…
    Cursed:: well fuck… I can’t remember.

    Fruit/vegetables:: fruit
    Black/white:: black
    Lights on/lights off:: off
    TV/movie:: movie
    Car/truck:: car… sports car.
    Headache/stomach ache:: well seems I’ve had a stomachache for the past 5 days now.. um.. headache.
    Paint/charcoal:: definitely charcoal… but I’d like to try painting one day…
    Chinese food/mexican food:: I can’t stand Chinese food.  So much for the romantic carry out food.
    Snow/rain:: rain
    Fog/misty:: misty.  Reminds me of band. 
    Rock/rap:: rock!  hehehe
    Meat/vegetarian:: meat!  It’s what’s for dinner.  …. No wait that’s beef.  Um.. same thing. 
    Sprinkles/icing:: icing!
    Cake/pie:: cake!
    French toast/french fries:: French fries
    Strawberries/blueberries:: strawberries
    Ocean/swimming pool:: never have been to the ocean… so… ocean.    more creatures to see.
    Cookies/muffins:: “Cookies!  I have COOKies!!  Eat the COOKies!!!”  – Wadkins
    Pink/purple:: pink
    Cat/dog:: hehe cats!  I’m a cat.  Meow.
    Pants/shorts:: pants
    Winter break/spring break:: winter break
    Moon/mars:: mars, since we haven’t visited it yet.  But I love looking at the moon.

    Do you believe there is someone for everyone?:: no… unless quite a few people are gay… course…. lol, maybe there is afterall.
    What is your idea of the best date?:: something simple and “free”
    What was your first kiss like?::  well what an uncomfortable question.  To be frank, it was wonderful.

    How old were you when you got your first kiss?: was I 14 or 15…. I think 14.  yeah 14.
    Do you think love is a load of shit?:: lol, aww.  Someone’s heartbroken!!!  I wonder who made this quiz. 
    want:: happiness!!!!  Yaaaay.  …
    need:: umm… money.  And love. 

    crave:: sex…  ahem.  And sugar. 
    love:: music
    hate:: Russian accents (getting over that, though)
    miss:: rollercoasters… Brit we’ve GOT to go to cedarpoint again this year.
    annoyed by:: immature people.

    When’s the last time you called someone?:: and got through?  Hmm… well, I called Joey back a few days ago.
    How much money do you have right now?:: oh geez I don’t know.  There’s money all over my room.
    Whatcha doin?:: talking to butthead… kinda.
    Do you like parades?:: I love being in them. 
    What are you going to do when you’re done with this?:: probably find what I’ve done with my dr. pepper and shoot people.

    If you could have any magical power what would it be?:: to be invisible
    Have you ever had a picnic?:: no but I’d love to

    funny?:: yep!  I crack myself up all of the time.  … that is normal, right?
    pretty?:: pssh, doesn’t even begin to describe.
    sarcastic?:: no, never. 
    lazy?:: …yeah….
    hyper?:: eeeh… depends I guess. 
    friendly?:: to new people, yes.  and to those I’ve known  a while… hmm….

    high:: Jon
    skip:: Brit
    dance:: Sarah
    lonely:: Josh
    pen::  cil….
    flower:: Andi
    window:: Brandon… because.. it would be fun to… ahem. 
    psycho:: Jacky hehehe (lol, paul you butt)
    brain freeze:: my mom

    orange:: Paul Gilbert
    sassy:: now that’s got to be me
    jelly:: um.. bean.

    Sky dive?:: oh yeah
    Play strip poker?:: hehe teach me first
    Run away?:: well when I finally get a dorm away from home.. I’ll be runnin’ then.  Very.. very quickly!  FREEDOM!  Heeehee!  Hehe..he…. heh…. Ahem.
    Go Scuba Diving?:: I’d love to.

    What shampoo do you use?:: Herbal Essence… Pantene… and John Frieda for Brunettes
    What kind of computer do you have?:: Compaq *twitch*
    Do you like to throw popcorn at people in the movies?:: hehe, if I’m with my girly pals, yes.
    How many posters do you have in your room?:: one of Tom Cruise and in my other room… one black and white one of two people making out.  …

  • Yo mon.  MORP was great.  Steven couldn’t come afterall.  I hung out with a ton of my friends all night long.  Yaay!  I sounded like a guy by the end of it, though.  And.. I couldn’t hear very well… BUT it was fun.  Hehe, Jacky’s a good dancer!!  *cheers for Jacky*  lol, but hey she’s asian that’s expected, right?   Aaaaand of course I was doing my own little dance to the point of almost having a heart attack.    Fun stuff.  My knee was killing me when the dance was over.  -_-  Grrrr stupid tennis.  Brit and I tried to talk Logbutt into coming to the dance, but he was dead set against it, so that’s okay.  Haha, he could’ve been both Brit and I’s date!  Hehe, Logy the pimp.    lol, oh well his loss.  Anypoop, today, I’m just shopping.  Came home for a while before we go to Kohls.  I think I go there every weekend…    And I called Brandon today.  lol, Avery wanted to talk so Butthead and I didn’t talk for too long.  I miss him!!!  Hehe.   << (for Brandon)    Well off I go.  Just a quick entry before it becomes another five days before I write something.  Bye bye!!

    “Ooooooh yeah”  – Brandon, when Avery asked him if he saw me this week… hehe. 

  • Aww shucks, I missed the 15th entry.  Guess what guess what?  I’ve finally figured out what I’m going to do for the year-long blank spot on my schedule my senior year.  Well, since I want at least 5 AP classes and too chickenshit to take AP Comp even if I do make it (eeeh probably wouldn’t make it anyway…), I’m going to take an AP computer course.  Yay computers!!  Hehe.  You’d think I’d hate computers after dealing with mine.  BUT I’d like to learn more about programming and java.  Always good to know more about computers.  It is a one semester long course… so for the other semester, I’m going to take guitar lessons.  Awesome!!  Hehe.  I have an old acoustic guitar from the 60′s… so I’ll just get new strings for it.    I can’t wait!!!  Dr. T teaches it, too.  I already know him from backup band.  I’ve never had him for my instructor, though… I hear he’s somewhat of a tyrant.  Hmmm… course I hear bad things about Baker and Wadkins, too, and they’re two of my fav. teachers.  teacher/instructor.  Yeah.  Anyway, I finally bought my morp shirt today with the money I had left over from “eating at Applebee’s.”  It’s not too bad looking… eeh.. oh well.  Aaaand.. talked to Steven today after school about morp.  He still needs to get his shirt.  We actually talked for a surprisingly long time.  I hope he doesn’t like me, though…  can’t a guy ever just be a friend?  *thinks*  …very very few.  Anypoop, yesterday was.. fun.  I went to Butthead’s house after school.  We were em.. seeing “Spanglish” yeah!  lol, I hope I keep this stuff straight..  More DDR!!  Yay.  I wish I had one of my own.  I’d like to get better at it alone… lol, Nathan is like.. insanely good.  Logy’s not too far from him in skill.. and Brandon is pretty good himself, just that he doesn’t have a chance to practice in Bloomington.  So yes, hanging out with the Haffner brothers at their house.. (I can hear the mockery…)  lol, well, it was fun for the most part.  And eh.. yeah… Brandon never did get his apple chimi cheesecake…  Anyway…  I’m going to take a shower early.  Aaaah shower.  Then french hw!!  Yay.  You know, I’ve decided that I am no longer going to read about wars in the Out of Many book for ap us history.  It… thoroughly confuses me.  Okey dokey, off I go. 

    “Go Shelbi!  Go Shelbi!”  – Forrest and.. Cale? hanging out of the bus window yelling at me as I walked to my door…  lol, love it. 

  • (Hmmm… this picture seems to have disappeared.. so I’ll just type what it said:)

    What Does Your Name Mean?:  Shelbi Shekell Hunter

    S is for Sensitive

    H is for Happy

    E is for Energetic

    L is for Luscious

    B is for Bright

    I is for Intense

    S is for Sultry

    H is for Honest

    E is for Enchanting

    K is for Kinky

    E is for Exuberant

    L is for Lovable

    L is for Luscious

    H is for Hyper

    U is for Unique

    N is for Neglected

    T is for Trendy

    E is for Elegant

    R is for Remarkable

    So I found this thingy off of Paul’s xanga.. and figured I’d try it.  Does it sound like me?  Eeeeeh?  Hey look, I’m kinky… (told ya) and two “luscious” ‘s damn.  hehe… and neglected??    Heh, I wouldn’t say that.  Hmm I’ve not much to say.  I’m currently being a devious little girl and snap shooting the website with the movie times for Tuesday to make any movie possibilities longer… hey… isn’t that a coincidence… all of the movies except for three are about 2 hrs long… hm…   Hehe.  SO supposedly I can see Butthead tomorrow… er Brandon.. but she is saying I have to be home at 6:30!  Ha.. ummm… that’s hardly enough time to “see a movie.”  Soooo.. I must fix that.  Yay ddr!  I need to call him to let him know, too.. hopefully she doesn’t change her mind before then.  She is now saying that she’s still “not completely sure” so.. hm.  I shall see.  Anyway, today was okay.  Just my daily routine that is SO amusing you must read it.  Yeah…  So, Logy doesn’t seem depressed anymore.  Either he’s hiding it or he’s okay with it.. I’m guessing it’s somewhere in the middle.  Hehehe, Wadkins called him Logy today.  Brit and I were just cracking up over that one.  I have to remember that orchestra pit tryouts are on Wednesday..  you know, I haven’t even checked to see if he needs flutes.  lol, I may want to find that out…  Maybe I will add to this later.  Not too much to say… Welp, guess I’ll talk to Cale and do homework!  Yay!!

    “Midget”  – Steven, Zeb, Cale, and Forrest describing Tom Cruise. 

  • Ready for this??  Two entries in one day! 

    You know, my life is very routine.  I was just thinking about this in the shower… Everyday, I almost miss the bus so I have to rush around like I’ve gone mad.  (hehe)  Then I say, “Hey Zeb” every single morning and sit next to him.  Steven is always behind us.  And we all three talk.  Then we walk together to the doors of the school and Steven goes straight while Zeb and I split to the left to go to his locker.  Then we meet up with his friend Corbin (sp?)  and walk to the orchestra room and sometimes Corbin comes with us for a while.  Then I see Logy and usually he walks with Zeb and I.  Then Zeb splits off and Logy and I meet up with Brit and either go to Hammel’s room or down Baker’s hallway depending on the time.  So much for listening to music every morning.  Then orchestra begins… and I always have to move two chairs and one stand out of my way since the band was the last to use the room… therefore there are too many stands and chairs.  If I weren’t in the band, I’d be really fed up…  an odd feeling I’ve got going there.  Then off to the orchestra locker room to jump up onto the chair so that I can reach my locker easily.  (it’s on top)  Everyday, I say, “Hey Nicole” and she says hi back.  Then yeah class starts with the C scale and tuning.  After class is over and as I’m coming out of the locker room, I must say hi to at least 10 people… lol, it’s kind of funny.  “hey!” “hey!”  “hey!” “hey!” “hey!”…… yeah.  Then I say hi to Nick on my way out of the room and have a small chat until Megan catches up with me.  We talk until she cuts off to the left and I meet up with Logy again.  We walk to english together and Forrest usually catches up with us on the way.  Every single day in english (never fails), I am very sleepy no matter how much sleep I got the night before, and my stomach growls so loudly that you can hear it.  Then it stops right when class is over!  Haha!  lol, it’s so annoying…  Then I small talk with Susan on the way out of class and meet up with Logy again.  We walk together until he sees Forrest and then turns back and walks with him while I continue on to math.  Yay math.  I put my things down, grab my book, and walk over to Vanessa to talk before class.  Then back to my seat at the last minute to begin talking to my ol’ pal Justin who claims I’m his gf.  (lol, he doesn’t actually believe that)  Then more talking to Vanessa and eh.. oh what’s her name… before I leave.  Do you ever meet someone.. end up talking to him/her.. but never find out his/her name before he/she already knows yours?  0_0  That happens to me so often.  Then I feel bad if I ask so… I must find out inconspicuously.  Anyhoo, so after math I enjoy my little walk to history behind Andy Kraftcheck… *sigh*  lol, really I’m not that obsessed.  He’s cute!  Then I usually see Ricky and talk to him and see Jacky and say hi and then I enter the room!!  Yay history!  Walk past Nathan without a hello from either of us and Stephenson usually says something to me.  More talking to either Jacky or Ricky until class starts.  And of course Jacky and I continue to try to talk to each other even though neither one of us can lip read very well… “what??!”…. “what?!?!”…. “what?!?!”  lol, yeah.  After class, I used to see Zack and we’d hug and we would go our separate ways… and Ricky and I would usually talk to him before class, too… hm.  He disappeared.  May he’ll come back.  So I walk with Jacky to her locker… then Zeb gets my attention and even though Jacky knows it’s the same thing everyday, I feel compelled to say, “Hey I’ll see you in French, k?”  And of course she says, “okay.”  We see each other so much.. we just discussed that on Friday.  Anyhoo, so then Zeb and I walk to the language hallway.  Hehe, we continue straight until we reach the different colored linoleum and turn around in the middle of the hallway.  Why we started that habit, I’ll never know… oh well, it’s something to joke about.    Yay.  lol, so then French.  Jen, Jacky, and I talk all through it.  We all three sit together, too!!  Hehe!  It’s alphabetical seating and we’re the only ones out of order.. but.. she put us that way.  Aww.  She must like us.  lol, anyhoo, Jen and Jacky and I have this habit of deciding who will walk in the middle as we go down the hallway.  We decide by how we are dressed… I can’t remember how that habit started, either… Then of course we already know which food line we go to everyday, but we must ask each other anyway.  Then we wait for each other… I’m in the middle, Jen on the left, Jacky on the right.. then they break off opposite directions at the same time and I continue straight to my table in the front.  lol, funny how perfectly that works out..  Then yay lunch.  Sometimes Jacky comes over to my table toward the end of lunch… I walk out with Paul and Andrea.  Then I wave to Logy.. then Paul and Andrea walk to their classes when Zeb comes.  He and I talk for about a minute, insult each other and hug, then off I sprint to French, barely on time.  After french, Jacky, Jen, and I walk together until Jen leaves us to talk to Travis and her other pals.  Jacky and I see Brit on the way down the main hallway and wave.. I usually see TJ and we shout each other’s names a few times… then Jacky and I spit opposite directions once we get upstairs.  Then Danny-boy walks up next to me and we walk togther until Forrest rams into him and I continue to my class.  I check my grade which is new everyday (awesome, Hammel) and begin talking to Greg.  Afterwards, I sometimes see Brittany and talk to her and then Jacky and I walk together until we get to the intersection that holds the class pictures and go opposite directions… usually in mid-discussion.  Then I say hi to Logy who’s always there before me, put my things down, and ask him if he wants to walk to my locker with me even though he does everyday anyway.  Then of course I shout “Sarah-butt” and she replys, “skank”.  With a mutual friendly smile of course.  Then this girl whom I’ve yet to find out her name… and I discuss math.  Yes, math.  She started it.  We just do that everyday now.. And I say hi to Danny-boy.  He tells us we need a new topic.  Then I small talk with Stacy.  Then small talk with Logy about his injuries from gym that day, and begin band!  Yay.  Then afterwards, I talk to Brit on the way to my locker, but that doesn’t last very long.  Then Logbutt and I walk to the buses with at least someone coming up to walk with us on the way and usually wave/say hi to Jacky down Baker’s hallway.  Then I go to my bus while Logbutt continues to his.  Yay everyone says hi to me.    My bus loves me.  Hehe.  So, I either sit with Steven, Zeb, Cale, or noone depending on who’s riding and who’s already on the bus.  Then Ben says he loves me everyday and of course I say that I don’t love him.  Then home.  Eeeeh.  I hate homework.  Time for homework now.  I hope you enjoyed reading about my daily routine!  Yeah.. it varies.. but that’s about it.    Bye bye!

    “osamabingolfin18 has signed on”   bleh.

  • Hehe, I’m having a good weekend.  I finally did something!!  *standing ovation*  So, as long as I am productive and get my homework done by tomorrow… Je serai une Shell Bell heureuse!  Let me see… I must update.  Again.  You know, I could just write in here daily, but noo I must make it more difficult…

    Wednesday:  Can’t really remember that far back… (yay bad memory!)  BUT I do remember I saw Evan!!    I came to school in time for 4th period, so I saw him on the way to Stephenson’s.  We hugged for about a minute or two.  I miss him.    Aaand… Thursday and Friday weren’t anything special. 

    Saturday:  Hehe!!    Butthead and I went to Jefferson Pointe to see a movie and eat.  Constantine is… eeeeh.. lol, okay I guess?  I don’t recommend seeing that one…  Pssh, not that I was paying too much attention to it.  lol, just kidding!!  Ahem.    I went over to his house for a while and *drumroll* played DDR for the first time ever!  Yaaay.  I wasn’t too bad, either.  Must be a natural talent.  *sigh*  lol, actually I got a D most of the time so… eeek… Well hey, Butthead says I’ve gots potential.  I agree.    The only damper on the day was Logbutt…    I feel bad for him…  He was vedi sad when Brandon and I were flirting quite a bit.  Oh well I guess…  So, when Butthead and I came back to Jefferson Pointe, we went to Barne’s & Noble’s.  We sat on a big, comfy chair together and talked, so that was nice.  Peaceful.    I liked it.  He apologized to my mom.. and I did, too…  so… I’m glad.  Now we can see each other again.  (Hey Butthead, I like that bowling idea…)  Got home.. watched two movies.  “Sweetest Thing” and “The Truman Show”.  I’ve been meaning to watch “The Truman Show” again.. I hadn’t seen it since it first came out on video.  And I can now officially say that I really don’t like that movie.  Anyhoop, I have SO MUCH homework to do today.  I highly doubt I’ll get it all done.  But hey, might as well start.  -_-  eeeeehhh… 

    “Yeah I hope we don’t get married someday…”  -Brandon

     lol, thanks hon.  We were discussing how we don’t mix very well… see, I have quite a bit of patience and he has eh… not… very much at all.  Course maybe that does mix well… better than two impatient people, right?  hmm…

  • I really should write in at least one of my diaries everyday…  Anyhoo, hello fellow xanga persons!  I shall update…

    Saturday:  What did I do Saturday…  went shopping.  Shopping yay!  And made another CD.  I LOVE my new music.  I was so sick of what I had…  so, I guess it’s a good thing that my computer crashed and lost every single song I owned, not to mention my pictures that took me weeks to collect, and all of my sims data and my english essay and… ahem.  Yes a good thing.    ….

    Sunday!:  Well let’s seeeeeeeee… I cleaned the house.  That was fun.  My clothes were stacked about 3 feet high on top of my black dish chair.  I organized my underwear drawer!!!  lol, I’m so happy.  See, I even have my socks in that drawer.. and it’s quite small.. so everything is always just a mess and I have to search for what I want to wear in the morning.  Vedi annoying.  And… I studied for history.. which… I need to do right now instead of writing in this…

    Monday:  Declined a proposition in regards to a certain “blond.”  lol, that was humorous.  I literally fell asleep in marine biology.  Video + no sleep the night before = ZzzZzzZzZzz *snort* ZzzZZzZzzzZz.  (lol, course I hope I didn’t snort)  I don’t really remember Monday that well…

    Today!!:  Logy gave me a cd he made.  My friends keep making cd’s for me without my even asking…  lol, oh well!  Free music.  I’ve yet to listen to it.  It has a red eyeball on the cover… interesting…  I was happy in history!!!  See, in the beginning of the year, I wasn’t doing too well in history.  Oh sure, I still had a B or B+ overall, but.. the tests were horrific.  And NOW I’m getting kick ass grades.  Well, kick ass for history anyway.  91% on the test.  Before that, I got low 70′s…The curves are less, too.  Hehe.  Course, I did study a lot for this test.  Anyway, I hope I do well on that AP test…  I’m afraid that my mom won’t pay for me to take anymore if I don’t.  … Anyway, in math, Vanessa and… oh what’s her name…….. (can’t remember) discussed smoking.  Eck.  You know, I could tolerate drinking before I could tolerate smoking.  And that definitely says how much I detest it…  I have so much hw.  So sick of it…  Well, at lunch today, Paul and Andrea and I were kind of late leaving.  Since Zeb has C lunch, we bumped into each other.  That reminds me, I need to add him to my buddy list.  Anyway, he’s a nice guy.  I met him on my bus.  Haha, I LOVE my bus!!  We had so many people riding today.  It was awesome!  I love it.  Every one of us in the back have so much fun talking and we just crack up the whole time.  Anyhoop, I guess I ought to start on… hiiiiiiiiistory.  -_-  Die.  Err I have to do review questions tonight out of the Out of Many book.  And I do that to myself.  I must enjoy pain.  Plus I have to read quite a bit for Academic Superbowl.  … and I did that to myself, too.  lol, anyway, I’ll try to keep this thing updated.  …Hmm I didn’t say anything about Butthead….. well, he’s alive!    lol, much to my dismay.  (hehehe..)


    “Did too!” “Did not!”  – Brit and I’s annoying “argument” that lasted quite a while in the hallway this morning about a phone call… lol, Zeb and Logy were about to kill us.  hehe…