Month: June 2005

  • Mother left the internet on!!!  I have time to give y’all an update.  Well Brandon, don’t be too worried.  I’m alive and well.  She actually seems to get less and less upset the more we see each other behind her back…  I’m just worried about Wadkins.    I don’t want him to be too angered with me for long…  Guess I’ll have to talk with him when band camp starts.  OH… lol, and for the rest of you, yes, I am grounded.  Let me see if I can capture these lost days…

    Tuesday June 21st:  Gym as usual.  I think…. was that the golfing day?  Well, at some point, we went golfing.  Jacky, Beth, Katie, and I… lol… how exciting!!  It really was fun.  Not… too… professional and all.. lol, but fun.  Aaaaand… after that, skipped optionals much to Ricky’s disapproval.  Went with Logy and Butthead to Jefferson Pointe to get tickets and caramel chocolates.    Then to… Walgreens… and then back to their house for DDR!!!  Hehehehe… ddr… addictive. 

    Wednesday:  Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm……. gym?

    Thursday:  Eek.  lol.  Weeeell, I skipped optionals again.  Ricky loved the whole, “I told you so” thing when I told him what happened.  Buttmunch…  Well, in a short summary, Butthead and I were caught walking in the hall by Wadkins when I was supposed to be in optionals.  Holding my flute… music…. yeeeah.  Bad.  He still hasn’t called my mom yet, though.  Strange…  But anyway, I don’t have a clue how Butthead and I are even going to be able to visit now.  Bleh.  Yet another mess.  And that’s not the only mess.  But I’ll just… move on.

    Friday:  Not a pleasant day in gym.  Hm.. not a pleasant day at home, either…  Just simply not a pleasant day. 

    Weekend:  Grounded grounded grounded.  Lots of nintendo… reading… tv… I can’t stand nintendo for long, never watch tv, and reading for school is never all that jolly.  So at least I caught up on my sleep for the next year. 

    Yesterday and Today:  I now believe the gym instructors are trying to kill us off in their twisted plot to donate our brains to a secret operation of the military in order to obtain the best athletic skills from everyone.  It is just too friggin’ hot and humid to be outside doing so much for so long… *faint*  At least I’m building my endurance level.  -_-  And eh… I think I’m now going to stay single for the rest of high school.  Just… no.

    anonymous:  “perhaps for a few more days” – waiting to try to solve something never works, y’all.  a lesson in life.

    I did this quiz thingy a while ago and I just found it in my briefcase folder… might as well slap on the results:

    What Kind of Kisser Are You?


    Part Passionate Kisser

    For you, kissing is about all about following your urges
    If someone’s hot, you’ll go in for the kiss – end of story
    You can keep any relationship hot with your steamy kisses
    A total spark plug – your kisses are bound to get you in trouble

    Part Expert Kisser

    You’re a kissing pro, but it’s all about quality and not quantity
    You’ve perfected your kissing technique and can knock anyone’s socks off
    And you’re adaptable, giving each partner what they crave
    When it comes down to it, your kisses are truly unforgettable

  • *yawn* boy am I tired… went bowling today for gym.  best score was a 60… lol.  yeeah.  well hey, I haven’t bowled since I turned 13… I think.  *yawn*  bleeeeh… I should just go to bed.  well let’s see what’s new in my life… HMMM… Pauly Poo, what’s new in my life?  I… I forget.     That is an odd smiley…  Anyway, Andrea is having yet another party this Friday, so hopefully I can go to that one.  Other than that, nothing else is planned.  Gosh I’m tired… *yawn*  Ah yeah.  Bedtime.  I had the straaangest dreams the past two nights…  one, I was running through the mall stealing Furbys.  SWAT team was after me…. two, the world was flooding aaaand… I was in a high-rise hotel… water busting through the glass… had a grapple to skip from floor to floor and building to building.. running away from the water… lots of screaming, scared, dying people…  love it.  I love adventurous dreams.  I think I’m going to talk to Cale for a while then off to bed… yes… bed… so far away…


    AllHailGandhi: i think everything in this world should be squishy

  • Hmmmm….

    Well, the backup band party was tons of fun.  Joe’s house is so pretty…  and big!  Geez.  Lives right next to the golf course in Sycamore Hills.  Played pool… volleyball… air hockey… cards… DDR!!!!… listened to music.. ate a bunch of junk food… got in the hot tub… great party.    I’m getting better at DDR, too.  I reeeally want one.. I mean to think I got to the point I am now (which isn’t all that great but hey, I was better than half the people there )  with just having played it at friends’ houses.  Maybe I’ll just… forget about asking for psychology books for xmas and get a DDR…  Yeeeah…  Other than that, some different developments in my personal life have erupted.  All I’ll say about that for now…


    “Life isn’t the amount of breaths you take, but the moments that take your breath away.” – Will Smith (got it from Pauly Poo)

  • So.. yesterday was fun.  Went golfing at em… oh, can’t remember where.  ‘Twas a blast.  Putt-putt and hitting the balls with drivers.  Putt-putt is more my speed…  We all got done early, so we played on the play-gym set thingies.  Tsk Paul.  TSK.  And we played some football.  I was on a team of five guys so, lol, I ended up getting hurt.  Imagine the Marsha thing on the Brady Bunch all over again, “Oh my nose!”  lol, oh well.  I can’t catch!!!  I can throw pretty well, though.  They were patient.  J  After gym, Andy, Alex, Cale, and I went to see the new batman movie.  Haha, Andy and Alex were talking ALL THROUGH the movie!!  God… lol, Cale and I were about to kill them.  Mostly fighting over Spiderman and Batman.. who’s better.. yeah.  (I’m on your side, Alex!!… even though you will probably never read this…)  Overall I liked the movie but… man.. lol, haha I just busted out laughing at one point.  It was just too cheesy!!!  lol.  I spent way too much money.  As always.  And BUTTHEAD called me while we were in Cold Stone (yummy).  -_-  lol, bad Brandon.  Yet you call again…  oh well.  lol, maybe I shouldn’t be so harsh.  I was glad to hear from you!!  Just.. not on my cell phone.  J  And the rest of the day just… flew by.  I think I took a nap or something.


    Today was fun.  Swimming again.  Hehe lots of free time.  We girlies about killed each other racing to get the rings…  lol, and Jacky wasn’t very nice to me underwater!!!  So.. came home…. Hello I’m home.  Going to Andrea’s around 5:30.  That ought to be fun I guess.  Andy and I are bringing “When Harry Met Sally” over there to make Andrea watch it.  He has dvd and I have vhs.. so… guess we’ll just have to see what Andrea owns.  I love that movie.  J  I have a few hours before I have to be there… I hate waiting… nothing to do.  Maybe I’ll sleep.  My legs are so sore…  mostly my ankles.  Odd.  Anyway, I’m off to.. do something… hm.  Bye bye for now.

    Well so much for Andrea’s party deal.  Mother strikes again.  Yep.  She needs a life.  You know, I wish more people would understand this situation better…  it gets aggrivating to talk to those who just don’t get it.  Guess I’ll just take some quizzes online or something.


    “Andy,  you made my crotch hurt!…… oh..!!  HAHAHA wait!!!”  -me… lol, the worst unintentional statement I believe I’ve ever made.


    Shelbi, your handwriting reveals that you are Resilient

    Your writing style reflects that you don’t feel easily defeated and that you weather the storms that come your way. 


    Shelbi, your subconscious mind is driven most by Peace

    You are driven by a higher purpose than most people. You have a deeply-rooted desire to facilitate peacefulness in the world. Whether through subtle interactions with love ones, or through getting involved in social causes, it is important to you to influence the world.

    You are driven by a desire to encourage others to think about the positive side of things instead of focusing on the negative. The reason your unconscious is consumed by this might stem from an innate fear of war and turmoil. Thus, to avoid that uncomfortable place for you, your unconscious seeks out the peace in your environment.

    Usually, the thing that underlies this unconscious drive is a deep respect for humankind. You care about the future of the world, even beyond your own involvement in it. As a result, your personal integrity acts as a surrogate for your deeper drive toward peace and guides you in daily life towards decisions that are respectful toward yourself and others.

    Though your unconscious mind is driven most strongly by Peace, there is much more to who you are at your core.


    Shelbi, you’re a Type 3 – The Entertainer

    Friends, family, and colleagues likely look up to you for this passion and drive. They’re also apt to know that when they come to you with a problem, you can be counted on help them find the kind of solution that will lead to greater self-knowledge and personal growth. You often motivate and inspire others by your good example alone. As an Entertainer, you’re also likely to be seen as a valuable and competent person who is worthy of admiration.

    Being a member of this type puts you in good company. Oprah Winfrey, with her worldwide influence and recognition, and Michael Jordan, one of the most recognized sports figures of all time, are also Type 3s.

    This means that compared to the eight other Enneagram types, you have a strong sense of self worth, which you’re not afraid to show off in a public way. In fact, you’re the kind of energetic, charming person who is often committed to being the very best that you can be.

    Shelbi, your style says you’re Preppy and Classic


    Just because you’re preppy doesn’t mean pinks and greens are your favorites (though they just might be!). But your style does tell the world that you don’t have to mess with fleeting fads and fly-by-night fashion. You usually go for what’s classy, and you know that means you’ll always look stylish no matter what’s the trend of the day.

    You’re the type of girl who’s a true blue, and we bet you’re the one friends go to when they need a good word of advice or a shoulder to cry on. And your style says the same thing — you’re not about to follow the herd, you know just where you’re headed. That never goes out of style. Now that’s chic!

  •  Well, no car for me.  You know… people shouldn’t raise the price a thousand dollars overnight when the person already has prospective buyers.. not really smart.    Anyway she’s stupid.  Just wait and see.  I’ll be driving a cute little sports car one of these days… in about 15 years… about double my life… heh….. heh….   yeeeeah.  SO anyway, swimming in gym today.  And some more running.. golf… hey I’m actually a lot better at golf than I assumed I would be.    Cheers for me.  Not much to say really.  I’m sore.  And tired.  And have a headache…  So I’ll just go now. 

    PS  Heeey I have a new talent.  I can give myself a hair style.  See, kinda getting sick of my hair… scissors were tempting… had to give in.  I need to add to it, though.

    “You delay, you procrastinate, you are simply lazy.” – haha.  The first line of my horoscope for today.  Thought that was kinda humorous…  like… oh.. lol… gee thanks.

  • Oooooh my gosh people… hold your breath, clear the streets, chant around a fire, wear a toga, and/or pray to your almighty… I might get a car!!!!!!!!    I don’t know yet….. doooon’t know… it’s a ’94 ”Black Cherry” Chrysler LHS… new tires… this thing is pumped.  Automatic/power control everything… sun roof… LEATHER interior… fiiine stereo w/CD player… originally $32-some thousand dollars in 1994 bought new!  Only owned by one person… a grandmother.  No smoking… 44,000 miles… reeeeally well taken care of.  Guess the price?  Guuuuess the price?!?!!  $3,500!!!  HA!  Drove it around… doesn’t seem to have anything wrong with it.  Sarah’s dad is going to check it out for us tomorrow morning.  Man… MAN I hope I can get this baby… Don’t any of you dare steal this from me, lol.  I trust my buddies to post my excitement…    Oh and besides, you’ve no clue where it is.  lol, anyway, there is another prospective buyer, though.  I don’t believe the dude ever showed up for the appointment to see the car… SO maybe that’s a good sign.  The lady is selling it because the grandmother is in the hospital or something… I don’t really remember.  lol, that sounds mean…  BUT man oh man.  I want that car.  My grandma might be able to help me get it… and … bleh.    I’m going to have to get in touch with my dad…  Yeah… at least I can say I tried.  I want to exhaust any means possible to get this baby.  It’s MINE!    @#$%!  …. ahem.    But of course life goes on if it doesn’t work out.  I’m hopin’.. and wishin’…  all y’all hope and wish with me, eh?  *whew*  Anyway, lol… the rest of my day…

    Went to summer p.e. today.  First day of it.  Jacky and I are in the same groooooup!    But Pauly Poo and *poke* Joey and Andrea and Holly are in a different group.    Ooooh weeeell…  man I hope I get that car…  Well anyway, I’m going to try to get my mind off of this for a while.  I think I’ll know by tomorrow… evening?  Yeah.  I think.  So I shall let you know.  Mmmmhm….. you know, I need a license, lol….


    “…and she only wants 35 hundred for it!!!”  – my mom on the phone to me this afternoon after spotting this beauty.  BUT I will be okay if I do not get it.  Yes.  Yes I will be fine.  *mumble grumble…*

  • haha… wow… to say the least, it has been a while.  Umm… hm.. Not even going to try to remember the 2nd… I’m guessing an average day.  The 3rd was Andrea’s party; yaay.  The 4th was the Carshow.  Tons of fun.  Got there… saw Brit’s mom and Jake.  I ended up babysitting him for a couple of hours.  No biggy; I like the kid.  Saw Sasha and Robby… hung out with them for a while until I saw Ann and Alex.  lol, poor Ann.. I destroyed her leg.  See, we always run and hug each other and I rammed into her thigh with my knee somehow… oops..ies…  Then I helped Mrs. Blevins with the games area.  The bunji thingy was so much fun.  I felt sick after being on that thing for hours, though…  Then I saw Cale, so we walked around for a while.  Watched Pauly Poo’s performance.  *gets pompoms and cheers*  Yay Pauly Poo!!!  lol.  And…. yeah….. the day was a blast overall.    Sunday was… just… studying for finals I think… OH!  Oh no.  That was the day I practically died.  lol, I have been veeerry very sick this past week.  I did study some, though.  Really, the only test I’m worried about is math.  Aaand… well… the two quarter grades were .1% difference… so… hopefully the final won’t hurt me too badly.  Anyhoo, so yes.  Finals was this past week.  Yay finals.  I didn’t even go to school on Tuesday and went hom early Wednesday.  Saw Butthead after school ooon.. Thursday I believe.  Hardly ever get to see him.    Yesterday, said bye to a lot of my buddies for the summer.  Hopefully I’ll see at least some of them by going to a movie or something.  Gave Baker a BIIIIG hug, lol.  Saw him on the way to my bus.  Not too worried about saying bye to the seniors… most of my close friends who are graduating will be at the backup band party the 18th so.. lol.. takes care of that.  Besides that… went to Kohls and saw Jacky.    I couldn’t find anything to wear to graduation.  I never have any dress clothes…  Came home empty-handed.  Watched, “Saw”, “Seed of Chuckie” and, “White Noise”…. I liked “Saw.”  It reminded me of Brit and I’s little story thingy with John.  The Chuckie movie… lol… eeeh… it was entertaining I stuppose.  Just… so… messed up, lol.  I don’t know how many times I said, “This is so STUPID!” during it, but oh well.  I think they’re just kinda running out of ideas.  “White Noise” was okay I guess…  I really don’t think I would have said that if not for the star.  Michael Keaton is losing some hair…   Still love his eyes.  And his voice.  I could go on.  Anyway, yeah don’t see “White Noise”.  Today… woke up early and went to the mall.  Found the prettiest suit.. I love suits.  So yay I have something for graduation.  And any other event that requires a formal attire.  Also went to Walmart.  Yay Walmart.    Got two Tom Cruise movies for $8 in this package deal.  “Last Samurai” and “Interview with the Vampire”… mmmhm.  I’ll watch one of those tonight.  Other than graduation and watching a movie, nothing else planned for today.  Tomorrow, going to see, “Mr. and Mrs. Smith” with Cale.   oot.  Aaaand… I have to mow the lawn.  It may rain, though.  *does the rain dance*  Com’ on rain…  fall for Shelbi… coooom’ on…  … lol, anyhoo, I’m going toooo… practice Mr. Guitar and eh… talk to Pauly Poo.  And then to the school at 4:30.  Yaaay.  Okay bye.

    “Guys suck.” – Andy.  hehe it’s okay Andy darling.  *pat pat*

  • I was going through my old emails… and came across this.  I edited some of the questions to update it… deleted some…. so yeah here’s my entry for the day:


    1. FULL NAME: Shelbi Shekell Hunter

    2. NICKNAME(S): um…Shelly, Shell, Shell Butt, Lippy, Seashell, Shelb, Shelbs, Shell Bell, Quazi, Shizzle Bizzle, JIGGLES

    3. BIRTHDAY: September 30, 1988 1:35am

    4. LOCATION NOW: Ft. Wayne, Indiana

    5. BORN: Parkview Health, Ft Wayne

    6. RELIGION: Christian

    7. RACE: Caucasian, Native American, Scottish, African American, French, English… I’m missing something…


    9. BEST FRIEND: Jacky and Brit

    10. CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: the necessities of life in order to survive, of course….and….love. 


    11. HEIGHT: 5’5″ ?

    12. WEIGHT: about…113 I’m guessing. 

    13. HAIR: brunette.  I have reddish and blondish highlights in the sun.

    14. EYES: golden brown…has somewhat of a greenish tint in the sun…kind of odd.

    15. SHOE SIZE: 8 or 8.5

    16. RIGHTY/LEFTY: mostly righty

    17. DISLIKES/PET PEEVES: those who are untrustworthy, unintelligent, uncaring, rude, unambitious…etc.  And I can’t tolerate crowds of people around me.  It’s just…ha…no.

    18. GOOD QUALITIES:  hmmm…. I’d consider myself… funny?  Some…times?  lol umm.. not that bad looking and all.  lol, I’m done with this. 


    21. HOW MANY PEOPLE ARE IN YOUR FAMILY: alllll of them????  ha, over 5000.  not that I know even a 10th of them.

    22. PARENTS NAMES: Licia and Roy



    24. THEIR NAMES AND AGES: Lindsay Brooke Hunter…25

    25. WHO YOU GET ALONG WITH THE MOST: I haven’t seen her in years…

    27. WHAT YOU LIKE/DISLIKE ABOUT YOUR FAMILY: we all aren’t very close.  I wish it weren’t that way.


    29. STATES YOUR RELATIVES LIVE IN: all over the world…em…France, Scotland, England….in the USFlorida, Tennessee, Indiana, Ohio, California…don’t know where else.



    ~HOW MANY BEDROOMS: 4…one used to be a landing


    ~HOW MANY TVS: 3



    ~HOW MANY COMPUTERS:  one that is asking for death



    31. WHO YOU TALK TO MOST OVER THE YEARS:  oh pssh.  Hmm… Jacky, Brit, Butthead, Pauly Poo, um.. yeah.  I don’t talk to very many different people on a daily basis.  Well… you know what I mean.


    32. LOUDEST: Brit!!!


    33. SHYEST: I would say Paul but… lol, Ivan is changing my mind.


    34. MOST ANNOYING: hmmmmmmmmm… I’d


    35. CRAZIEST:  Jacky hehe


    36. NAUGHIEST:  umm… hm.  Butthead?


    37. MOST ATHLETIC:  mmm…. Kelsey


    38. SMARTEST: Nicole


    39. BEST ADVICE: Eh they all give some good advice once in a while. 



    41. SCHOOL YOU ATTEND: 20 cheers for homestead….


    42. SCHOOLS YOU’VE BEEN TO IN THE PAST: Indian Meadows, Aboite, Summit


    45. BEST CLASS: Band, Orchestra, French, Math, English, science of somesort, History  in order from best to worst… I think.  The last four tend to change quite often.  First three are all A+ so, lol… course that may not last.


    47. FAVE TEACHER: Baker!!!  And fav. teacher now… would have to be Stephenson.


    48. LEAST FAVE TEACHER: always the math teacher. 

    50. SCHEDULE OF YOUR DAY:  beginning and ending the day with music… with some other stuff in-between.  J





    51. BOY/GIRLFRIEND/CRUSH:  a crush sure… probably more than one there.


    52. LONGEST RELATIONSHIP: few months?  Eh.


    53. SHORTEST: less than 48 hrs…. my wonderful middle school memories -_-




    55. EVER DATED ANYONE YOUR PARENTS FORBID: hahahahahahaha..  Ahem.  why yes I think I have.




    57. HOTTEST GUY/GIRL IN YOUR GRADE: In MY grade??  Slim pickin’s.  Hm… I don’t know.  Most likely someone from my history class.


    58. WHAT YOU LOVE ABOUT HAVING A BOY/GIRLFRIEND: opening your heart and mind to another person I guess.  Love…romance…laughter…fun…friendship…some hard times of course… something like that.


    60. WHAT YOU LOOK FOR IN A BOY/GIRLFRIEND: trust, integrity, love, friendship, sense of humor, ambition, intelligence on at least.. some… level, faithfulness, passion would be nice, kind and caring, devotion, compatibility…I’m getting carried away with this list…



    61. FAVE MOVIE: You know, I never really know what to say to this question.  “Gone with the Wind”  is a classic…. er…..hmm…???  “Vanilla Sky”  I suppose… nah it’s not that great.  Not chick flicks…not really.. any comedies.. nor horror… some sort of drama… Oh I don’t know.


    62 FAVE TV SHOW: Do soap operas count??  Hehe, “The Young and the Restless.”  “Bold and the Beautiful” is okay, but I enjoy watching Y&R more.  Um…other than that I like “Friends.”  Oh and I love “Nip Tuck”!  And…”ER” sometimes.   And…”The Newlyweds Game Show”  is okay… if.. I ever watch it.  “Desperate Housewives”  thanks to Jacky getting me addicted, lol.  Ummm…. Hm.  Jay Leno… um… I know I’m forgetting something…


    63. FAVE SONG: “Everything I do, I do it for you” by Bryan Adams


    64. FAVE BAND: aerosmith… eagles… beatles… um… really any rock oldies.


    65. ARE YOU IN A BAND:  yay hhs band.  does… that… count?  Lol


    66. CONCERTS YOU’VE BEEN TO: zippo.  actually I went to a “concert” of the em…oh what were they called…Macho Nachos or something like that.  A few trumpet players…nothing big.  I did get on stage, though.  Heh heh… eeeeeeh


    67 HOW MANY CDS DO YOU HAVE: I plea the 5th


    68. WHAT KIND OF MUSIC DO YOU LIKE: all kinds…name it.


    69. WHAT KIND OF MUSIC DO YOU DISLIKE: most rap, some country



    71. NUMBER: 13 J


    72. SPORT: tennis to play, football to watch


    74. QUOTE:  well they’re on my away message.  Siiiigh I’ll copy and paaaaste… arg… so much work….

    “A hidden connection is stronger than an obvious one.”



    “The most perfect technique is that which is not noticed at all.”

    -Pablo Casals


    “Even if my memory were to fail me in the future, I would still be able to retrace with certainty the footsteps of my soul.”

    -Ye Si


    And I’m sure I’ll find more…

    75. PERFUME/COLOGNE: nuh uh, that’s my trademark.


    76. SMELL: oh wow.  Nature.   As for my preference in perfume.. vanilla….. aaand… I love the smell of coffee for candles… for men’s cologne… ummm…. Adidas I guess


    77. ANIMAL: blue whale.


    78. STORE:  kohls I guess


    79. BRAND: hm.  Well… I’ll just go by what I’m wearing…. “energie”…”younique”…. nautica”….”maidenform”….”nike”


    80. FOOD: anything spicey.



    81. HAD SEX: don’t you just love seeing that all capitalized.  And no.


    82. BEEN ARRESTED: nope


    83. SKIPPED SCHOOL:  well… I was “sick”


    84. DRANK BEER: eww


    85. TRIED DRUGS: eck


    86. STOLEN ANYTHING: nope


    87. CHEATED ON SOMEONE:  hmm…well I’ve never cheated while I’m dating someone… hopefully never would.


    88. SNUCK OUT OF THE HOUSE: out of brit’s house


    90. STARTED LAUGHING NONSTOP WITH 4 REASON: hahahahahaha…   what?



    91. WHERE YOU’LL ATTEND COLLEGE: Bloomington IU I stuppose


    92. YOUR CAREER: something to do with psychology


    93. WHEN YOU WILL MARRY: 21…to…late 20′s..    and I want a pink diamond.  lol, please?


    94. HOW MANY KIDS: 2 or 3 kiddos


    95. WHAT WILL THEIR NAMES BE: Ethan Roark ______ and hmmm….. hehe Caramel Shekell ______


    96. WHERE WILL YOU LIVE: somewhere south… NOT Florida.  I’m thinking more deserty regions… pretty big city…


    97. WHAT CAR WILL YOU DRIVE: well…my dream sports car would be a Maserati Spyder.  My bit more practical car would be a Lexus RX 330.  I’d like to have a nice Harley motorcycle just for the… sake of having one… and… a volkswagen bug.  Or Aerio SX…. Or Aveo.  Something little.  Hmmm now if I have that kind of money, lol, I don’t know if I’d spend it on cars.


    98. HOW MANY PETS YOU WILL HAVE: short haired cat(s)…. Doberman or two….. and horsies when I retire.  I hope.


    99. WHAT YOU WILL DO AFTER YOU RETIRE: lol, well here’s the question.  I’ll live near or in a small town…I want acres of land…live in a country house…have a ranch with horses…and own my own little boutique in the small town.  and I can just play the flute in an orchestra for a living and do a bit of gardening and farming.  aaahh that’s the life… oh but before that I must have my loud city, my modern house, all my big dogs and cats, my stressful career, and my big family.  Something like that.


    100. ANY GOALS: success



    1. WHAT 3 WORDS THAT DESCRIBE YOU BEST?  kind, goofy, and romantic……


    2. WHAT ARE 3 OF YOUR FAVORITE ICE CREAM FLAVORS? CARAMEL, rich chocolate, and vanilla


    3. WHAT 3 COLORS DO YOU WEAR THE MOST? Pink…. Brown….. ummm…. Blue…. Jeans?


    4. WHAT ARE 4 THINGS YOU’D BUY FROM A VENDING MACHINE? nutter butters!! and…pretzels…and…a moonpie…and…if it were a drink machine, I’d get a Mr. Pibb or Mountain Dew or Coke.


    5. HOW OLD SHOULD YOU BE FOR YOUR FIRST CELL PHONE, FIRST KISS, AND FIRST CHARGE CARD? hm…cell phone whenever you get your license.  kiss…when you feel it’s right I stuppose… first charge card…hehe now baby!


    8. WHAT 4 THINGS IN YOUR ROOM COULD YOU NOT LIVE WITHOUT-BESIDES YOUR BED? dresser, dish chair, square bean-bag, and black table


    9. WHAT ARE 6 OF YOUR ALL TIME FAVORITE MOVIES? *twitch* I don’t know.


    10. WHAT CLOTHING STORES DO YOU HIT FIRST IN THE MALL? hm…the biggies, like…Marshall Fields, JC Penney, L.S. Aryes…and in the “real mall” area as I call it, I would go to Charolette Russe, the buckle, and…american outfitters…and…guess (like I can afford it)…Learner…and…yep I haven’t been there in a while.  OH!  Victoria‘s Secret!!!  :D   I used to like Frederick‘s of Hollywood, lol, hilarious to look around that place.


    11. WHAT ARE 3 GREAT PLACES TO GO ON A FIRST DATE? walk in a brisk autumn’s day amongst the trees… or a midnight stroll near water under the bright moon… or a hot summer day playing tennis or going to the movies or swimming… or a spring, rainy day inside next to the fireplace cozied together on a couch… or a winter afternoon with wisps of snow falling down as you pick out a Christmas tree together… mmmmmhm.  I think I need to go to bed.


    12. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE COLOR, FLAVOR, AND SEASON? color: red. (used to be pink.)  flavor: caramel.  season: autumn


    13. WHICH 3 FOODS DON’T YOU LIKE? I don’t really like veggies..


    14. WHAT ARE YOUR 5 FAVORITE CEREAL BRANDS? hm…Special K, Honey Bunches of Oats, Crispex, Grape Nuts, Cheerios


    15. WHICH 3 MTV VIDEOS ARE YOUR FAVORITE? uh…I really don’t know…there was this really weird Madonna video I watched once…she was like…a moving picasso painting.  Other than that, I haven’t watched MTV in years.


    16. WHAT MOVIE STAR WOULD YOU LIKE TO MEET? Must I say it?  I mean really.


    18. WHAT ARE 4 OCCUPATIONS YOU MIGHT LIKE TO HAVE? I couldn’t sworn I already answered this…yeah I did.  Kinda.


    19. WHAT ARE THE 3 BEST PARTS OF YOUR BODY? eyes, smile, and…my hair.


    20. WHICH TV SHOW WOULD YOU LOVE TO BE PART OF THE CAST, AND AS WHO? “Desperate Housewives” as em… ooh… I can never remember these character names.  The brunette wealthy one.


    22. WHAT ARE 4 OF YOUR ALL TIME FAVE VACATIONS? I’d love to go to Europe… siiiigh….


    23. WHAT 3 THINGS DO YOU DO EVERY MORNING? Turn off my alarm, put on my glasses, pee


    25. WHAT ARE 3 THINGS THAT MAKE YOU FEEL SECURE? friends, family, and a security system



    27. WHAT ARE YOUR 3 FAVE FRUITS? strawberries, pears, pineapple…. Although I love any fruit


    29. WHAT ARE YOUR 3 FAVE ANIMALS? blue whale, dolphins, and…. Hm.  Hawk?  Or eagle..