Month: December 2005

  • Finally went to see “Memoirs of a Geisha” with Brit and her sister yesterday.  It was a good movie… but it cut out a lot.  Concentrated more on the romance of it all.  Eeeeh… that wasn’t the whole point of the book!  But okay.  Most of it I guess.  I saw Brennen and Dylan while I was there!  lol.  That was fun.  Tomorrow I might go to a party thingy at Lori’s?  Andy told me about it.  I don’t know if it’s a for-sure thing, though…  I slept til 3 today.  That was… just lovely.  I really need school to start.  I don’t want hw.. just school lol.  Oh well, hardly ever have hw anyway.  Except that damned ap lit proj… okay not going to talk about that.  Hmmmm… I’m bored!  As always.  lol, and Logy, I don’t count that as a comment!!  I haven’t practiced my flute in quite a while.  I suppose other things are on my mind.

    “My penis is amazing.” – Andy lol

    Got gumption, will travel. Do you love a challenge? Something tells us that your adventurous spirit will take you on some crazy journeys. White water rafting, mountain biking, bungee jumping, hang-gliding–there’s no stopping you! When you travel, you probably take your mind and body along for the ride, so think big destinations. We’re talking rock climbing at Yosemite National Park, biking through Europe, skiing the Swiss Alps or hiking up to Machu Picchu.

          YES!  hehehehehe adventure…

    BREAKING NEWS:  Chris proposed to Emily!!!!  AAHHH!!!  Hehehe!  (emily is brit’s sis) 

  • Today, I went to a lot of places and basically bought nothing.  I have the Sims 2 expansion packs… that’s something I’ve bought lately.  STILL haven’t done my hw.  I suppose I’ll do that tomorrow… another day of being home alone for hours with no source of transportation!  -_-  So yep, been playing the sims… talking on the phone/online… aaand that’s about it.  I think I’ll have two movies to go to this week, which is good.  I really want to get that project done before then.  OOH today I had some more of those loaded potatoes at Arby’s.. and saw Brennen!  Hehe.  He and I need to do something sometime… or something.  … still haven’t gotten around to going to a movie with Jeremy… lol, hmm.. Oooh I want some left-overs.  Damn.  Too bad the microwave makes beeping noises.  Well, off to bed I go.  I got about 4 hrs. of sleep last night.  Went to bed around 4:45ish.. got up around 9ish.  -_- bleh. 

  • Yay f-ing yay for another boring day.  What torture it brings… whether be winter break or spring… just endless hours of solitude for which I can’t feel any gratitude.  Sure I’m healthy and young and bright, but that’s on its way out seems I stay up night after night.  Talking online for hours at a time.. what fun I say.  Yay f-ing yay.  Okay I’m done.  lol, eeeh.  Joy to the internet.  My only source of entertainment.  -_-  So, not going to a movie with Logy/Brandon since I have to have a female with me… aaand Jacky’s gone.  So can’t go with her anywhere.  Brit and I were planning to see “Memoirs of a Geisha” today.  Yep, no ride.  Fun stuff.  Oh woe is me.  I have xmas money… maybe I’ll go blow it.  I need to go get Butthead a xmas card… since I don’t seem to be able to talk him out of giving me one.  Yep, that gives me something to do.  Off I go!

    “Planning is as natural to the process of success as its absence is to the process of failure.”
    -Robin Sieger

  • Yay morning.  I actually didn’t sleep til the afternoon.  Yay still no working on hw… hmm..  I’ll probably end up doing it the weekend before we go back.  Well, seems I just woke up… writing it kind of pointless.  In fact, being online is kind of pointless.  Hmmm…. welp, I’m bored.

  • I have actually pulled a muscle in my hand… from my flute.  lol.  waah!  It really f-ing hurts, too!  I was doing this run of 32nd notes and… yeah ouch.  *CRACK!*   And it hurts to type.  Mostly my ring finger and pinky.  lol.  Really funny, in a way.  I think I’ll have to take a break from the flute for a while.  Oh well.  hmm… yay another day of boredom.  God, I’ll be glad when school starts.  Well… be glad except the getting-up-early part.  I should be working on hw…I have become nocturnal.  Stay awake til 6am… sleep til 1:30 pm… lol, yep.  And to think that’s actually only 7.5 hrs.  Technically not even sleeping in.  Everyday my mom’s like, “When are you going to get up??!!  How can you sleep that long???”  mhm.  Waah… my hand really does hurt.  At least it’s not my writing hand.  I can’t flex my hand out completely… or I hear a crack and feel a surge of pain.  Hmm… I think I’m going to go get ice or something.

    Interesting fact: On this day in 1620, the first group of colonists disembarked from the Mayflower at Plymouth Rock.


  • Went to the Haffner house today.  As expected, I was too nervous to play much… but at least I have a copy of the piano part and Brandon has the recording of the flute part.  He is very skeptical about learning this in time… sigh.  My optimism is running out.  Anyway, I’m going to practice more.  Seems kind of pointless to do so. 

    Time is what prevents everything from happening at once.” – John Archibald Wheeler


  • Saw “King Kong” yesterday with Brit.  That is one kick ass movie.  Been practicing a lot today.  I… well.. I’m getting better.  I’m just so nervous for playing tomorrow.  I hate playing in front of people.  Bleh.  Oh well.  I have to get reading for ap lit!!!  So I can do my stupid research essay.  -_-  So not cool I have hw on break.  Not something I can blow off.  Sigh.  Who seriously wants to read critical essays… and sit down and write an essay on xmas break?  Honestly.  Well, I’m going to get back to watching TV now.  A bientot. 

  • “Maybe the whole love thing is just a grown-up version of Santa Clause.” – Meg Ryan on “Kate and Leopold”

  • Today is going to be a very…. blah… day.  Housework and making xmas cookies… and hopefully I’ll practice my flute at sometime.  Going to see “King Kong” tomorrow instead of today.  Sometime in the evening.  Hmm I’m hungry.  Well, this is a very pointless entry.

    Well, I saw “40 Year-Old Virgin” today with my mom.  You know… in certain… parts of that movie… lol… the actor really isn’t that bad looking.  I dunno… something about him.  His eyes for one.  Ahem ANYway, it was an alright movie.  Not as great as I expected.

    “Error logging into AIM: Error code 29: We think this means the AIM/ICQ servers are sick of seeing connections from your IP address.  Wait a few minutes and try again.” – haha, I craked up when I read this.  I can’t believe it actually said “sick of” my connections.  lol.  I mean I only have a few…

  • Party in ap lit… rest of my classes were pretty much… nothing.  Stayed after school with Wadkins to work on my solo.  I told him about my stage fright problem… lol, he was like, “…Why??” like it was the most absurd thing he had ever heard.  Psssssh…  But after playing for about 20 minutes… lol… it was getting easier.  We only worked on an itsy bitsy section, though.  The runs in the beginning.  I… really need to work on those.  I rush and I can’t seem to consistently get the low notes out.  Besides that.. see, I downloaded this version of my solo.  And… well… I’ve just been going by that.  I had the cd with me, so we listened to it in his office… he says just… don’t go by it.  It alters the piece too much.  SO I have to learn my song differently.  That’s going to be a pain.  Anyway, he did help a lot.  Going to meet with him the Wednesday of the week we get back.  I have to slow my runs down a loooooot… so I can get all the notes.  Bleh.  I’ve been kinda… glossing through it.  Sounds right to me!  lol… heh… ahem.  hm.  Anyhoo, I hopefully have a piano accompanist now.  …very.. very hopefully.  lol, haven’t I posted that I have a piano accompanist like 3 times now?  4.  Geez.  Well, if this doesn’t work out then… I… don’t know what I’m going to do.  Just pay for one or two half hour sessions and hope for the best with a hired accompanist.  *shrug* better than nothing I guess.  Well, going to play the Sims 2 now.    Yay xmas break!  Not winter break.

    “She wants to be James Galway.” – Wadkins to Barber when Barber popped in and asked how the practice was going.  lol, nice Waddy.  You read my mind.