Month: September 2006

  • Well, I went on a job shadow in the psych. ward at St. Joseph’s.  It was interesting.  I learned a lot.  I know am positive I want to be a Psychiatrist (M.D.), not Psychologist (Ph.D.) or Therapist (M.S.).  Therapists just talk to people with everyday problems.  They earn around $45,000 a year.  Psychologists talk to people with everyday problems a little less and do more research-based testing and such.  They earn around $63,000 a year.  Psychiatrists hardly ever talk to anybody unless it’s a half hour consultation about the medication the patient is taking, so the Psychiatrist mainly just works with meds and mental disorders — never everyday problems.  They earn around $146,000 a year.  If I decide I don’t want to go to med school to get my M.D., then I’ll just get my Ph.D. and stick to being a psychologist.  I know therapist is definitely out, though.  However, after I get my B.S., I can be part of the Assessment Team for admitting patients and for leading group therapy sessions such as an A.A. meeting.  After I get my M.S., I can be a Therapist.  After that, a Psychologist.  After that, finally a Psychiatrist.  Yay!  lol.  I be happy now. 

    “Imperfection is beauty. Madness is genius. And it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely stupid.”  -Marilyn Monroe

  • So in AP Comp, we took a practice AP test.  I would’ve gotten a 5.    I’m happy. 

    Anyway!  I keep forgetting to share that tidbit of news.  I’m finally starting to do soemthing for that Wells Scholarship.  I’m such a procrastinator.  Eek.  I hate that word.  I just made a giant summary of my life for Wadkins.  He wants that to make the best recommendation for me that he possibly can.    yay Waddy!  And, by writing that, I now know what to write for part of the essay on why I want to major in Psychology.  yay.  In other news, I went on ANOTHER shopping spree today.  My dad spent $300 on my for my b-day.  I have so many clothes I don’t know what to do.  And he said he’s going to be there for senior night for band.    Yaaay.  My grandma is having issues… she’s still fighting the fact her independence is gone.  And I am behind on hw. 

    “No wonder you’re such a stellar student.” – Mrs. Christophersen to me!  In front of the whole class.  oh yes.  hehe 

  • Wow… what a few days this has been.  Okay well, here’s a summary:

    Saturday: went to Daleville (near Muncie)… trying to talk my grandma into going into assisted living.  she claims she can take care of herself.  she can’t.  doctor’s orders.  see my aunt for the first time in … a decade?  she’s cool.

    Sunday: lots of SHOPPING!!!  My aunt spent about $800 on me at the Buckle and American Eagle and Macy’s.  tehehehe…  hotzzzz

    Monday: out to movie with Brit and Greg.  saw the Wickerman.  haha, man what a movie.  Brit and I were laughing through most of it.  females ruling an island.. aw man.  now that is what i’m talkin’ about.  just use men for slaves and sacrifices.  hehe… i wonder why Greg didn’t care for that movie much. 

    Tuesday: got out of school early.  went back to Daleville.  ended up spending a looooooooooooong time in the emergency room.  Grandma stayed there overnight.. tomorrow she’ll go into assisted living.  we think we (with the doctors and nurses’ help) finally made her realize she can’t go back to Florida.  got back home around 2am.

    Today: skipped school.  just went to band.  apparently i’ve missed a lot of hw.  joy.  And now here i am going to bed late again.  *sigh*

    “Oooh!  My leg!!!!”  – Nicholas Cage in the Wickerman when the women broke them.  you could just hear his voice.. not see it happening.  haha… “oh my leg!” come on…

    PS so since my grandma won’t be needing her car anymore… guess who gets it?  yeah.  yeah that’d be me.    I be happy.  it’s a white crown victoria.. like a cop car.. but whatever.  it’s a luxury car, so it’s comfy.  aand it was taken car of… aand it’s a 2000-something…. aaand it’ll be dependable.    I won’t get it til the end of the year, but hey, that’s alright.

  • Hola.  Wow what a day.  Okay so…

    Went to Daleville (over by Muncie).  My grandmother has dementia… has for some time now.  Now she’s not allowed to drive anymore.  So, something has to be done.  Obviously she’s being… stubborn is an understatement… but yes, very stubborn about going into assisted living.  We (my mom, Aunt Robbie, Al my grandma’s bf, and I)  dont’ know what to do.  Spent the whole day trying to come up with a decision.  No such luck.  We’re supposed to meet again next week.  Aaah very stressful.  Seeing my aunt was very odd.  She’s so much.. calmer than I remember her.  And not so eh.. bitchy lol.  She’s so much older!  holy crap.  It was.. a shock.  But you know, it was nice to see her again.  We’re all going to keep in touch now.  We’ll see how things go…

    Other than that, I’m still seeing my dad.  That’s okay.  We have found out we have a lot in common.  One thing that surprised me is that he writes poetry.  We’re going to share ours with each other!  lol… although ahahhaa.  His are mostly …. erotica?  lol hahaha.. aww man.  And he told me this during dinner at Olive Garden.  lol, he recited a few lines that he remembered.  Haha, wow.  I was laughing so hard.  I’m not allowed to share them with my friends!  lol, so sorry. 

    On a side note… “I like ‘eem” is my favorite quote of the week.  By myself of course.  Guess who “eem” is?!?!  Yeah that’d be Dan.  *ahem* 

    “Sex is like math: you add the bed, subtract the clothes, divide the legs and pray you dont multiply!” – Jacky’s away message lol