Month: October 2006

  • Switching Majors… maybe

    I’ve been thinking…. about majoring in english rather than psychology.  *waits for the gasps to settle*… yes.  I have.  I’m just.. falling in love with it!  And I can’t force myself to believe that I like psychology more because I… don’t.  At least not right now… maybe in college it’d be different.  But, I already know I am terrified of med school.  I hate science and math!  … sigh.  I’d be giving up almost 100k a year lol… for the same amount of schooling.  -_-….  SO if i were to major in english.. I suppose I’d have to teach the damn thing.  *sigh*… at a college level.  And write on the side.  creative writing.  Aaaand… if I double major.. take my other major in anthropology.. I could go on digs!!  haha!!  something i’ve always dreamt of doing!  it’s my dream job!  I could go to the mesoamerican empires!  And, i’d travel a lot.  I’d see and learn about different cultures… I’d meet tribes.. I’d find so many fascinating topics to write about if i chose non-fiction once in a while.  …i’m not sure what to do…

    “i don’t want to have a regular job… going about my life.. and never amount to anything besides selfishness” – me

  • I feel so accomplished!  IU Groups essay: 11 pages.  Done.  Sweet 16 essay.  Done.  Horatio essays.  Done.  Hudson&Holland essays.  Done.  Coca-cola scholarship.  Done.  I ROCK!!  haha!!  …    

  • Okay, so wow.  You know how I was procrastinating over writing that IU Groups essay?  It’s coming along quite easily, actually.  It is just taking a long time.  I am at 2.5 pages… single spaced.  lol.. eeh.. i hope there isn’t a limit for this thing.  I am about… halfway done.  ha!  I suppose 5 pages isn’t too bad.  Yeah I’m okay.  Actually, I’m probably a little more than halfway, so yeah I’m fine.  I need to finish it tomorrow.  I wish I could finish it tonight, but it’s already 1am.  Meck.  I still need to fill out that house crap, too.  Oh and crap, I have those four essays for the Hudson/Holland scholarship.  Oh and I forget when that coca-cola thing is due… I think there was one.. Horatio!  !!!!  Oh sigh.  Never-ending.  I want Mrs. Christophersen to read this IU Groups essay before I turn it in, so that’s why I have to get done before tomorrow.  ‘Tis due Oct. 30th.  Raffle tickets are starting next week I believe.  And Jacky and Reemah and I need to start practicing for variety show.  We’re doing an Indian dance hehe.  Y’all will have to come watch us.  Okay well… hm yeah.  Oh, I think I got an F… or did very poorly… on my physics test today.  I really hope it isn’t as bad as I assume.  I don’t like physics… hope I don’t have to study a lot of that for med school or something… that’s probably just a lot of chemistry.  Hm yay.

    I have learned that I cannot control the circumstances that surround me, whether that may be financial anguish or something else, but I can control how I handle the circumstances.” – a sentence in my paper.   

  • State 2006

    My mom came in my room around 5:15AM and said her classic, “It’s time to get up.”  Groggy-eyed, I mumbled something resembling recognition to her annoyance and then fell back into a Stage One sleep.  Another 15 minutes passed and my internal alarm sprung me out of my bed with the energy of an 800 pound bull.  I sighed and stretched, avoiding the inevitable.  Eventually, I hulled myself out of bed, sliding off the side and barely catching myself with clumsy feet.  I wobbled over to my dresser at the foot of my bed and fumbled through my nick-nacks to find my glasses.  Now with the amazing ability to see, something with which I’m not too familiar, I made it to the bathroom a few steps from my bedroom door.  I did the usual morning chores: brush the teeth, wash the face, and put the hair in obnoxious pigtails with four ribbons representing my years of dedication in band (white, yellow, blue, rainbow).  I walked back to my bedroom and threw on my clothes, now realizing (as I always do) that I’ve somehow ran out of time.  Bundled like a snowman attempting to survive in a desert, I tried to run to the “Rat Room” to grab my blue Spartan gym bag and tap my rat’s cage for a friendly goodbye.  With my bag, I hurried down the stairs and woke up my mom who was snoozing on the couch.  We leave for Stacy’s house for the last flute breakfast I’ll ever have.


    I arrived at Stacy’s house at 6:10 after getting lost in the maze of the neighborhood beside hers that was sporting a similar name.  It didn’t matter too much — only a few flutes had already arrived.  I endulged in a healthy breakfast of mini pancakes, greasy bacon, non-low-fat maple syrup, and some hot chocolate with a few mini marshmellows.  We all gathered in the basement to watch Stacy’s favorite Disney movie, “Peter Pan.”  Soon Stefani came and plopped down on the floor beside me.  Within another 20 minutes, the whole basement was packed like a sardins in a can.  Stefanie Rumsey spotted me and said, “Is that Shelbi Hunter I see at a flute breakfast?”  Oops!  I couldn’t miss the State breakfast.  I am happy to know I was missed, at least.  After mindless conversation involving black toenails and hot guys, I hopped a ride with Stef Rumsey and left for the morning prayer on the band field.


    The morning prayer is a tradition I have always held close to my heart.  Ever year, it seems to become a little less formal, but the love is still there.  We all hold hands in a circle and pray, and then finish the ceremony by all turning around and breaking out of our connection.  I stood next to Francesca that morning.  I was cold even in my letter jacket.  The sky was still black, but I couldn’t see the stars.  On the way back to the band room, it hit me — it was the last State morning prayer ceremony I’ll ever have.


    I entered the band room and felt at home.  The floors were hidden by everyone’s colorful blankets, pillows, gifts, bags, lunches, instruments, clothes, drill books, etc.  The smells were of slight perfumes, sweat, a faint hint of cleaner, uniforms, different smells of houses, and the coziness and love of something I could never quite identify.  I sat down my things in my corner on the right and exchanged secret sister gifts.  Sarah turned out to be mine and I had Angie.  I looked through my bag to find caramel candy, fuzzy socks, and an Old Navy tank top.  I was happy.  Then, Logy motioned for me to come over to the baritone area of the band room.  I grabbed some of my secret sister candy and made my way across the mountains of stuff.


    Logy and I came up with a plan to get on the video — cry and hug!  It was humorous, but also had a deeper meaning.  I was a senior and that was my final band competition.  I was going to miss band.  I was going to miss hanging out with Logy on band competitions, too.  Reality was starting to settle in, but I tried to hide from it by laughing and enjoying the silliness of our friendship.


    Soon, it was time for the State morning meeting with Barber and Wadkins.  Everyone hushed and took a seat.  Brit, Logy, and I sat in the back.  We all watched a video from the internet titled “212 Degrees.”  I had already seen it that previous Friday afternoon during 6th period.  I was in the band room along with the other band students from music theory.  The video was inspirational and focused on “turning up the heat” to do your best.  After the video, Wadkins talked to us all.  He described another video about a football team.  One player astonished the rest of his team after the coach repeatedly told him, “I believe in you.”  Mr. Wadkins struck a tear in my eye when he told us in his shaky voice that he believes in us.  He said this a few times.  The tear in my eye could no longer stay put and it trickled down my cheek.  My throat tightens just writing about this now.  Then, Mr. Barber stood to talk to us.  He was so choked up that he couldn’t get a word out for a few minutes.  My heart went out to him.  When he finally spoke, his voice was broken and his eyes poured their overload of tears.  He repeatedly said he was sorry.  He didn’t have to.  My eyes poured as his did.  The whole band was in silence and awe.  Gradually, he started to speak.  He said how much he will miss the senior group unlike any group before us.  He gave us inspiration and hope.  Somehow, hearing inspiration from Barber lifts my spirit so high that I think I could accomplish absolutely anything.  In all the years, that morning was the saddest State meeting I’ve ever remembered.  My tears began my last day of State.


    On the way out to the stadium, Brit and I talked to each other about how this was “our last day of State” and how much we will miss it.  We didn’t cry.  We didn’t slow our steps.  It was only conversation.  The sky had grown lighter and we could easily see (and hear) the hundreds of dedicated parents lined up to shout us good luck at State.  Horns were blaring, car alarms were chirping, bells were ringing, posters were crackling, and voices were shouting — all loud enough to wake up all of Allen county at eight or so in the morning.   It was tradition.


    The whole band stepped across the painted band notes on the senior walk onto the stadium.  Practice had begun.  We did basics, though not exercise one.  Mike gave us a pep talk and then we were off to page one for a silent run.  After that, we took a small break and set up our warm-up arcs next to Shannon.  Mike guided us through the rest of practice until lunch time, and was there after lunch, too.  At the end of practice, us fluties (Stef, Stefanie, and a few others) all had a hugging orgie. 

    When practice was over, Brit and I rushed to the girl’s bathroom to pee.  I put in my contacts while I was there.  I hadn’t worn them in months and being able to see 180 degrees was freaking me out.  They were incredibly strong, seems the ground doesn’t normally bubble upward.  I then put my flute in the basket and my uniform on the truck; it was the last time I would do that.  I waited for Brit to gather her stuff and we set off for the buses at the front of the school, being two of the last ones on as always.  I caught a glimpse of Vince the Bus Driver when we pas all six buses to get ours (whose idea was it to join the last bus, again?).  I threw down my things, grabbed one of the giant pixy stixs, and dashed for the bus door.  My mom waved goodbye and good-luck to me from the window before the bus started off across the baren parking lot.  The sign-off this year wasn’t as festive as previous years, but the point of the parents’ coming in the morning was so they could watch all of Class A.  Brit and I got our bus door, at least (Brennen and Tally were right behind us).  Brennen was so worried I would fall out of the door.  He has always been my protective buddy.  He said, “Honey, hold onto something you’re making me nervous.”  With our going 5 miles per hour, I think I was okay, but it was still sweet of him.  Our departure wasn’t as fun as it has been in previous years, but we all enjoyed waving to the janitor, the few families, the camera guy, and the school walls. 

    The bus ride was awesome as always; even Justin and I got along much better.  Justin, Teddy, Rachel, Tally, Brennen, Allysa, Richy, that one chick whom I can’t stand, that-one-dude, and Brit and I always end up laughing at someone else’s expense.  Oh well!  It is fun.  Tally gave me about an hour back rub, which was very painful, but beneficial.  I always thought those two lumps at the bottom of my back was just cartilege or something.  I guess not.  My back feels amazing now.  We all sang and laughed and played patty-cake.  I love Brennen’s laugh –  it’s so cute!  Gosh, all the memories just keep flooding back to me.  I love the band bus. 

    To be continued…


    white gravel on everything, lone bus, port-a-potty, train in distance, don’t want back on bus, stephanie flute “believe” necklace, putting on uniforms, long logy hug, “you’re odd”, get instrument, back on bus, pray do well, stretch of grass/railroad, old factory, building new ”box” dome, everyone all gathered, brit and I, 7000 hugs (actually 70000): mandi, brit, eric, nathan, paul, alex, ricky, francesca, sarah, jessica, ann, jimmy, amanda, kassie, alexa, mike, brit… “nicest senior”, drumline concentration, pepsi free story, walk down driveway… up path to left… turn some to right… straight toward old factory… turn to right… ready to go into warmup area.. studying surroundings… old factory… LC and flutes, basics, shannon/flute warmup, arcs, worried, go into carpeted lobby, see some guy near elevators smiling, see colorguard girl by water container, “it’s just an 8 to the 5″, into airlock, door sound, nervousness, light, crowd, “there is no finish line” sign, bright light, turf, guy from avon?, get ready, by taco bell sign, homestead band set!, first drum rep, don’t drop flute, “stop”, turn in, arcs, showtime, almost not ready in time, show, amanda and i almost trip each other, “last note I’ll ever play”, finish pose, marking time and step, finished/done/no more/sad/exhilarated, up steps behind nicole, never ending steps walking in time on air, straight, down steps not as long, in tunnel thingy, water, brit, water, amanda/kassie hug, tally, last flute in line/first clairnet, seniority, “i looove you” hehe, mason me brit mandi, watch penn ben davis avon carroll, oh shit avon’s good, not fair, switch sides, awards, few tears/little indifference, jodi barber hug, alumni cheer, tunnel, kimberly hug, brit, walking down indy — never again, brit and i sad/i almost cry, see logy don’t say anything, get on buses, solemn, silent, decide to change, arrive at semi, talk to katie, put instrument away, back to bus, see brandon/polite half-smile, talk to brittany, “always be a freshman to me”, put uniform away (last time), see logy/lori, back to bus for candy, bye to tally, talk to paul, talk to nathan/his mom for a minute, talk to paul more (and that one dude), walk around a while, decide to talk to brit, ”group hug!”, listen to barber/wadkins, rain, fitting to have discussion in rain, “it has officially rained every state”, back to buses, brennen telling people be happy, jodi and shane on bench in front of dome: jodi waving goodbye, talking for a while, off to sleep, not too enthused about welcome home with sirens, can’t find blanket holder (attached to butt), brit leaves early, walk with logy, cold and rainy and dismal, band room, flute, semi (last time), back to band room, “When You Wish Upon A Star” simple single-note tune on piano by Brad, pause for moment and listen: perfect for mood, get stuff, kinda sad/indifferent…, wanted another logy hug — oh well, spot mandi/brandon, see car hidden behind trail of parents, stuff in back, ”no more band”, avon didn’t deserve it, finally home, freshen up, green flute shirt/green bikini underpants, bed, memories, “When You Wish Upon A Star”, sleep.  


    When you wish upon a star,
    makes no difference who you are
    Anything your heart desires
    will come to you.

    If your heart is in your dreams,
    no request is too extreme…
    When you wish upon a star
    as dreamers do.

    Fate is kind.
    She brings to those who love
    the sweet fulfillment of
    their secret longing….

    Like a bolt out of the blue,
    Fate steps in and sees you through.
    When you wish upon a star,
    your dreams come true! ………………


  • Well.. band is over.  I remember the last Eb in the show.. I was thinking “this is the last note I’ll ever play!”  (meaning in a competition, of course)… so my ending was awesome.  I cried a few times during the day.  I’m going to miss band.  I tried to memorize every part of the day to remember it forever.  I got so many hugs!  lol.  Well, we still have the trip and such… so the band group isn’t split up yet.  3rd place is still good.  I’m not complaining.

    “I’ve never had a group I will miss this much.” – Barber to the seniors.    I love Barber.


  • So I’ve got good news and bad news. 

    Good news:

    Christophersen congratulated me on actually making the S&W presentation interesting/humorous.  She was bored all day til me!  Oh yes.

    Nimo is doing quite well!  She already looks as if she gained weight over night… and she’s hyper, so yay. 

    State is this weekend!!

    I turned in my lab response for hon. phys. today and got 36/36 on it.  That’ll help cushion my grade.  We also have extra credit available, so I’ll be okay. 

    Bad News:

    Still swamped and stressed.

    Still never get any sleep.

    Still have tons of essays to write.

    The IU Groups form is complicated.

    My mom may  not be able to go to State.  And my dad isn’t going. 

  • So I don’t know what’s wrong with my scroll bar.  I don’t really care enough to try to fix it, either… so oh well!  I would say I’m stressed, but you already know that don’t you?  You’re so smart…  Meck.  Well, Nimo got out of her surgery today.  (she had a small mammary tumor..i think i said that).  she’s okay!    Sleeping right now.  She’s kinda thin and weak, but I’ll get her back to health.  Oh yay, Dan just signed on.  I’ll bet he’s going to bed soon, though.  Anyway, I need help with physics.  I got a negative percentage on my hw.  I didn’t know that was possible.  It will lower my B to a C+ if I can’t fix it somehow.  I can’t have any forms of C’s on my nine weeks grades for IU Groups.  *sigh*… I have to fill that thing out soon…  -_-  I think.. I’m going to have to minimize the amount of scholarship essays I do.  I don’t.. think I can physically handle it anymore.  I wonder when those raffle tickets are going to start…  Oh I hate being a senior.  A poor senior.

    My dad and I are getting along really well lately.  We shared our poems with each other and such.  It’s pretty cool.  He went to senior night, too.    (I think I said that already…)  I like having a dad again.

    Well… to stay up and work on psych notes… to stay up and work on scholarship essays.. to stay up and work on my IU Groups essay.. or to go to bed.  I had a dream last night… that.. oh man what– oh!!  I dreamt that it was State.. and I … for some reason.. ended up marching off of the field.  A few other people did, too.  And of course we weren’t allowed to go back on… so we just stood there like, “oh man!  my senior year and I can’t finish marching state!”.. I don’t know why I ended up marching off the field… kinda… odd.  But anyway!  Yes I can’t believe I’ll have no more band pretty soon.  An era is coming to an end.     Well, i’m going to go jump out of my window a few times.  Bye bye.

    “I may not have bullets… but I have knives!!!”  – my away message.  yes.  i don’t like stress. 

  • I AM SO STRESSED OUT!!!  God!!!  I did get a lot filled out today… but still… never…ending… scholarship essays.. NEVER FUCKING ENDING!  literally!  it will continue for the rest of the year.. deadline.. after deadline.. after deadline.. about a week in between.  I HATE IT!  I probably won’t even WIN any.  Actually, I think I have a pretty good shot at this Sweet 16 thing.  But honestly, bleck.  My optimism is running very… very.. low.  I can’t talk to Brit about it because she just doesn’t get it.  Money stress is not a problem for her.  I talk to Jacky about it but I’m sure she, just as anyone else, would get tired of hearing my problems again and again.. same crap.  WHO IS POOR LIKE ME??  Wanna chat??  About college?!?  COMPLAIN TOGETHER??!!  *sigh*.  Okay.. I’ll make a to-do list…

    Yet to do:

    Purdue application/fee
    Butler application NO FEE
    IPFW application/fee
    Horatio scholarship/wadkins recommendation
    Holland/Hudson scholarship
    Coca-cola scholarship
    Sweet 16 scholarship
    Zaadz scholarship
    Elk Lodge scholarship
    Talbot scholarship
    SAT in Jan.
    ACT in Dec.

    crap.  i’m missing 5 scholarships.  I can’t find them written down anywhere!!  shit shit shit..

    okay well.. that’s not …so……bad.  I have essays to write for Butler.  That’s not due til January I think.  The scholarships are due by November 15th is the latest.  God I have to do that Hudson one tonight.  Many essays.  Horatio tomorrow.  I don’t remember what that is.  My god I’m going to lose my mind.  I have honors physics hw due Wednesday at 10pm.  I don’t understand any of it.  Lots of questions.  I have a quiz in psych tomorrow.  I’m so behind on note-taking for that class I could cry.  Test in music theory later this week.  I haven’t even memorized the methods yet.  Essay due for comp.. i don’t remember what that is.  I think it’s not for the portfolio.. i think… shit i don’t remember.  I just need…. a break!  but I won’t get one.  not for many months.  I wonder when they’ll start allowing us to sell raffle tickets for band.. I have to sell $930 worth of them.  HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHHAHAHHAHHAHAHHA *explodes*     


  • Yay we won Regionals!  That’s frickin’ awesome.  I’m so excited for STATE!!!  AAAHH!!!  *jumps up and down*  And senior night was pretty cool.  Gots to love band.  My dad came.    I was happy.  I’m going to miss band.

    So on another note, I’m very stressed out.  Stressed to the max.  I can’t concentrate on anything except how I’m going to pay for college.  And here’s the best part: I’m not getting any answers!  weeee.  I think I need to find out more about the ROTC programs.. or other military programs.  Maybe I’m frightened by it for no reason.  …  heh.  I just… sigh.  I want to go to IU and just get my BS and then off to IU Med School in Indy.  Why does it have to be so complicated…  I wish there were someone I could talk to.  I’ve talked to Quigley and he really isn’t helping me at all.  I’ve tried contacting reps. from the military programs but they all say “oh yes!  it’s wonderful!  JOIN US!!!”  -_-  cult.  Bleck.  It sounds like my dad is going to get a lawyer to put all of the child support toward college.. and that’ll go toward this 1/3 of my BS tuition/fees.  Buuut… Umm…. I don’t think he gets how urgent it is that he HURRY AND DO THAT… he just keeps TALKING about it.  He isn’t liiiistening toooo meeee..  sigh.  I’m applying for scholarships on fastweb and such… but… I mean that’s the whole nation I’m competing against.  I didn’t win that Wells Scholarship, obviously.  Wasn’t even frickin’ nominated.  Oh meck. 

    “Do you wanna touch me?” – me to Brit hahaha.  oh man.  we were listening to music on my mp3 player on the way home from band.  I was asking her which song she wants to listen to next, and I suggested that one by Joan Jett.  hahahaha, oh man.  We laughed for 10 minutes straight and woke up everybody on the bus.  I didn’t realize how bad that sounded before I said it!  lol   

  • You know, the sensible thing would be to go to bed.  but nooo.  I haven’t written in my weblog lately, so I must stay awake til after midnight again.  -_-  Why do i do this to myself.. lol…

    Okay what’s new… ummmmmmmmmmmm orchestra is still on a loop, band is getting to the crunch time!!  aah!  I wanna ween.    Scholarships are a pain in the ass.  I haven’t won a single one yet, either.  Course I haven’t entered that many… but still!!!  My last resort, if I can’t even pay for IPFW, is to join the ROTC and go part-time to IU and be part-time in the airforce.  Mm.  Yay.  Once I get my BS, I’d have to have four years of active duty before starting on med school.  YAY!  -_-  Well, like I said.. that’s my last resort.  It pays for all of my BS and some of med school… but.. four frickin’ years?  Meck.  Anyway, as for the band trip… it is pretty much relying on how many raffle tickets I can sell.  Hm.  Umm classes are going well.  Is it a bad thing that I enjoy english much more than I enjoy psychology?  lol.. eeeh… yep!!  I think so.  I LOVE creative writing.  ‘Tis awesome.  I was going to say something… now i forget…what………….hm.  anyway, OH!  I’m doing variety show this year!  hehe.  Jacky, Reemah, Reemah’s little sis, and I are doing this… Indian dance.  I haven’t seen it yet, but I guess it’s awesome.  ‘Can’t wait!!!  lol.  I’m all for dancing.  Although… being on stage?  eeeh… hm.  That’ll be interesting.  “Shelbi why aren’t you moving??!”  *faints*  …. lol…. eeeh… anyway!  So I guess I’m going bowling this Sunday.  Yay!  Finally something other than band and hw.  My grandma is doing well at coventry meadows.  I don’t know if I’m going to get that car afterall, seems my aunt and mother aren’t talking again.  *sigh* (don’t you just love how i abruptly switch topics?)

    “Sounds like Poe” – Mrs. Christophersen’s note on my paper!!  hehehe.  I’ll take that as a supreme compliment until I ever obtain a unique voice.