
  • .

    I'm really afraid I broke us.  I felt it when we had sex last night... it's like the love was gone.  I know he acts like everything's okay.. he tells me that it's only 30% okay... and I feel as if it's 0% okay.  Mixed signals... I don't know what he's feeling or thinking.  I wish he would tell me... .I'm afraid he doesn't want to confide in me anymore.  I'm afraid he may think he still loves me but it may just be that hanging-on feeling like I had with Brandon so long after he hurt me so badly.  Maybe Evan doesn't want to let go, but emotionally already has.  I feel like he has.  And that makes me terrified and ... sad.  Basically how I felt that one drunken night with him when I thought he didn't love me anymore.  I feel like maybe he doesn't realize it yet, but he has let go of me... and it's broken.  And it's my doing.  I don't know what to do.  I'm on the verge of crying everytime I think about it and I can't look at him and see the hurt in his eyes without wanting to cry.  I never f-ing cry.  I hate this.. I just want him back.  I don't want to lose him... but what if I already have?  Part of me wants to prepare myself like I always do and crawl back into my shell so I'll be okay if it happens because I'll already be emotionally separated.  But everything I wrote about before... about our having meant to be together.... about my opening up to him... how can I do that if I think we're broken?  I just want to talk to him... I want him to open up to me... although I have no right to ask and I wouldn't open up to me if I were him.  I don't see how we'll fix this... I've got to have faith that we'll be okay but I'm so fucking scared that we're not going to be okay.  I should just shut up.  This is my fault.. he's better off without me.  I'll leave it in God's hands.... there is nothing more I can do besides tell him I love him and hope he still loves me too.  In the meantime I can't be thinking about this all the time and almost crying all the time -- I've got too many responsibilities.  Here I am writing in this again when I've hours of homework due by 1700.  I can't concentrate on anything -- I just want Evan.  I feel like he's going about his business without me and is hurt and doesn't care or doesn't want to confide in me or talk to me or see me -- sure, he was excited to see me when I visited.  We also had sex too soon.  It was like we were caught in our usual  rhythm without remembering the situation we're in.  If we hadn't been in our rhythm, maybe he woudn't have wanted to see me.  Maybe he can't stand the sight of me.  I wouldn't blame him... he's being too easy on me.  I hurt him so badly and I love him so much -- none of that makes any sense.  All I know is I would lose part of myself along with him if we split up for good.  I wouldn't care about dating anybody... I'm sure I would eventually have sex again, but that's all it would be.  I can't see myself falling in love again... it would never be like it is ...or was?....with Evan.  I'm so scared I don't want to lose him...I love him so much.  I feel like I'm going to throw up.

  • Horny

    I want Evan. 

  • 'Ello

    So I think I'm joining the National Guard.... so I'll be in ROTC these next two years.  Every cent I get from it will go toward paying for law school... if I save EVERYTHING I get, then I will completely pay for law school, nothing much more though.  No debt.  And I will be in IUPD... have a BA in psych and middle eastern studies... and get a criminal law juris doctorate.  The FBI couldn't possibly refuse me.  The National Guard will keep me in shape... look really really really really lol, REALLY good on the resume... take me overseas in deployments... and I'm thinking I'd be safe cause I'd be on base the whole time.  So yeah.  The only suck part is going to be getting into the routine and getting used to it.. wearing those damn camies.  I just got my first pair for LTC on Monday.  They fit decently well I suppose.  I need better boots and the hats hurt!  The undershirt is too big too... I'll need an XS eventually.  BUT all that will come in time.  I'll get all different gear when I go into ROTC.  hm.  So yeah.  I'll.... be a soldier. 

    Evan said he wants to be there when I sign the official papers saying I'm a member.  Hehe.  Yeeeah I'll need someone to help me find the nearest bathroom when I shit my pants.

  • Weeeee

    No cinnamon toast crunch!!! NOOOOOOO!!! 
    I'm waking up at 4:45am to do hw and practice guitar before work.
    I don't like being corrected at work.  I figure... their lives suck.  I'm an INTERN and I'm basically doing what they are doing.  They are stuck in this career for the rest of their lives.  Don't tell me what to do.... BUT then I realize it's my own fault that I have issues with people telling me what to do.. and afterall it is the very fact that i AM an intern that I am being told to do things all the time.. whether or not I already get it.    and that is all.

    The scabs on the back of my head are almost healed up.  I have one hell of a scar... very chunky.  I would look hilarious if i were bald.

    I have a lot to do in the morning.  At least I'll feel accomplished.  I really need to start working out on a daily basis.  I do this thing where I kill myself one or two days a week.  It's not... really... doing anything for me lol.  I should just workout a decent amount everyday.  At least I eat pretty healthy.  A shit ton of fruit in my diet... decent amount of vegetables... whole wheat/fiber... activia everyday... no caffeine... lots of milk and cranberry juice and water.. yeep.

    Hm.  WELL sleep time.  I could take a shower tonight and save myself time in the morning but nope.  Too lazy.  I'm so damn lazy lol. 

    Quote of the day, "OMG DID YOUR ARM FALL OFF AGAIN?!?!?!?!?!"  - Evan to me... I don't know

  • meh

    Iiiii miss Evan.  And it hasn't even been a month since he left.  Another four years of this... fuuuck.  And you know it sucks that my parents are against him.  It was nice for a while when they were still for me dating him.  I knew it was only a matter of time -- especially with mother the psychotic bitch.  So fucking frustrating.  She so fucking insane.  ALL she does is create obstacles in my life, as if I'm not stressed out enough as it is.  Won't let me put insurance on MY car so I can go to my internship and work during the summer.  She doesn't have to pay for it... nothing.  She's the primary owner so, fuck me I guess.  I'll probably lose my internship because of her.  I have to run back and forth to the court house for Gloria and WELP I can't really do that on a bicycle.  I hate her.  WHY DOES SHE HAVE TO CONSTANTLY RUIN THINGS FOR ME?!?!??!  For 13 fucking years she has nonstop been in my way of achieving something.  Aren't parents supposed to HELP their kids succeed?  THANK GOD I got scholarships for college else I never would have gone.  And she hates my being out of her house and her not being able to control me.  I'm almost 21 years old and she is still trying to bring me down.  She has nonstop screamed at me and called me names since I was four years old.  I would go and cry in my room... until a half hour later she was happy again and tried to say how much she loved me and tried to hug me.  Then I got smart enough and old enough to realize, Gee, I wasn't a bad kid afterall, and started ignoring her ass whenever she'd go off on me again because I knew a half hour later she would be all happy again.  I join ballet as a kid and quit because she ends up nonstop fighting with the instructor.  Elementary school I join choir and end up being one of the TWO chosen to compete in Indianapolis.  But she doesn't let me go because I'm "too young"... yep too young to show how successful I am with singing.  SO i quit choir.  That makes her happy for a while.  Then comes middle school and I turn anorexic because she has been telling me how chubby I am for the past five years.  I join band in high school only to have her trying to never let me join and getting into fights with wadkins and barber and constantly on my ass about the practices.  I have to BEG her to drive me to band competittions every time.  She'd do this thing where she'd say she'd take me until a half hour before I have to be there, and oh... oh no she's busy.  "Find your own damn way."  She did that in middle school band as well... I ended up missing the Indianapolis ISSMA concert because she wouldn't let Brit's parents pick me up... when they were in the driveway... because she didn't think I needed to go.  That was a grade.  Oh and she made me quit back-up band for show choir because she made such a scene of herself.  Oh and tennis too.  She actually came storming through the halls when I was at a competition and said I was "nowhere to be found" and the principal was called down... I was pulled out of practice before the competition... all because she was claiming I was running away with brandon or some bullshit when I was at my goddamn tennis competition.  I'll bet she came storming into homestead halls... homestead lunches... homestead events... at least a dozen times each semester.  Each time guess what?!?!  I was where I was supposed to be.  Just because I was dating someone older than me she has to fucking go balistic and call the cops on us... OH OH and I try to sit outside one night.. on my fucking property... just ... getting away from her screaming and her bullshit.  What does she do?  Call the cops saying I'm running away.  ... YEP they get there and practically laugh.  I date Ben and what does she do?  Lock me out of the house.  I have to crawl through the window to get my work clothes so I can make it to applebees on time.  Oh, and when i get that job what does she do?  Call and threaten the managers when I have closing nights.  Make a scene in front of the entire restaurant multiple times.  I date Jeremiah, what does she do?  Lock me out of the house again... call me a slut... make more scenes at applebees... no let him on our property... YEP.  And now I'm dating Evan.. what does she do??? Not allow him to give me $20 car insurance for my car this summer so I can get to my internship and work.  Because it's "him" giving it to me.  EVERY single fucking opportunity I ever have she tries to destroy.  I'm so exhausted... I'm so sick of it... I hate her so much.  I just want to cry or scream half the time.  I'm so .. fucking.. SICK OF HER SHIT!!!!!  WHY can't I get away from it?!  I just want to be on my own!!!  So she can't control me anymore!  I can get a job and not have to worry about her ruining it for me!  I can get a restraining order against her and finally be free!!!  I won't have to be fucking attacked by her with a crowbar.  I won't have to be shoved against the room and hit and threatened and listen to her irrational bullshit!!!!  She can't even throw a decent punch the lame cow.  She's fucking insane and she doens't do anything about it.  And you know.... despite EVERYTHING!!!!  ... she's still my fucking mother.  And that just causes more problems on my end on trying to deal with it.  I'm so tired of it. 

  • Meh

    So I'm passing the time until my Hudson/Holland appointment at 9-something AM.  I've been studying for stats and diseases in the human body for about a total of ... 24 hours.  yeeeah.. 2 hrs of sleep.  Weee what a weekend.  God I'm exhausted.  I just have so. much. shit. to do everyday.  I'm supposed to go to the military science building to do my physical testing today for LTC  HAHA yeah.  No.  2 hrs of sleep and a weekend of exhaustion and havent' had time to work out for 5 days... not gonna happen.  It really sucks because I would love to workout everyday.  Being in shape would be nice.. but hell.  I have a shit ton of hw, classes, internships, iu cycling, iu rowing, pages to prisoners, advisor meetings, interviews, cia and fbi informational sessions, grocery shopping... sleep time/shower time in there somewhere... falcon punch practice, practing guitar, which I never have time to do.. i mean lol.  When?!?!  And then my sleeping pattern is all screwed up.  My eating consists of stuff that will keep me awake - i.e. carbs and sugar.  I have starbucks at least every other day to get my caffeine fix... more calories.  And when I finally do workout, I'm so damn tired from no sleep and hw and being busy nonstop that I'm too tired to do much.  And if I do exert myself, I sleep too long and end up missing my classes.  It just sucks.  No wonder there's the "freshman 15"... god.  I didn't gain it last year but I sure am this year.  I honestly eat healthy for my regular meals... but come night time and I'm trying to stay awake, I just eat shit.  Meh.  If you look at my refrigerator, you'd think I"m a health nut.. but... well I'd like to be.  I really don't want to eat bullshit carbs and sugar, but it really is the only thing that keeps me going alongside caffeine.  Carrots don't cut it lol.  Meh.  Come summer, I can finally bike... but I'm going to be working at Applebees part time and my internships as well.  No gym membership in fort wayne... can't afford it.  God college life sucks ass.  I NEVER see my friends.  Like seriously... maybe once every two months I'll "hang out."  If that.  And then I'm dating a friggin' Marine... sexy, built... god I'm not complaining lol, it's just it makes me realize all the more how out of shape I am.  And .... well I suppose I could start doing cocaine to stay awake.   Then I could work out.  I put way too much on my plate.  At least my brain is being exercised... ish.  So much to the point I only strengthen my short term memory.  Everything kinda just packs in there for the time being then poof, out it goes to fit the next round.  Sigh... gaaaah I'm starting to see blurry from being so goddamn tired.  AND I'm negative and hate the world most of the time.  Everybody irritates me.  I just need... sleep!!!  lol, i just want to sleep damnit.  Aaah I could go back to my room to take a nap.... hm.  It'd only be for an hour though.  Kind of pointless.  I'll just.. drink..more...caffeine...along with another 500 calories.  I'm fat... I'm out of shape.. my hair sucks... my skin is all broken out from stress... not a happy camper lol.  Fuck I'm tired.  And this shit isn't going to end for.. another... five years.  Awesome.  And sure, everyone in college has these problems.  ...and I'm sure everyone in college is taking 18 credit hours and is also a volunteer firefighter, in the IUPD cadet program, volunteering at pages to prisoners, a student intern at indiana legal services, in the iu cycling and iu rowing club, and a hudson/holland scholar.  and, of course, financially independent.  YEP!  FUN!  NO STRESS AT ALL!!  Okay sorry to irritate any of you reading this saying, "ooh maaan just chiiiill"  but fuck you very much, you don't have to read it. 

    "FUUUUUUUUUUCK"  - about how I feel right now.  I am MAXED out.  I think I've slept 8 hrs in the past f-ing week and have consumed about 20 million calories.

  • Boredom, Insomnia, & Procrastination


    Wow, two in one week!  0_0 

    I miss Evan meh.  I have a test tomorrow for which I should be study.... though it seems decently easy.  Going to my internship in the morning... going to attempt to practice guitar at.. some friggin' point before 6 tomorrow.  Such a pointless class.  I never have time to practice -- really I don't.  And the instructors suck at teaching anyway.  Waste of time and money.  Oooh well.  I think I need to register soon.... when is registration...?  I'm out of meal points.  And $400 in debt on my credit card.  Awesome.  I should have a work study next year though making $8.50/hr.  which will be nice.  An income!!  lol.  And I don't... think.... that's taxable?  I don't know maybe it is.  Probably is.  Suck me dry....... Ran into Mandi today and we vented/gossiped for about an hour and a half lol.  'Twas fun   I miss Evan.  This weblog is just a collection of random thoughts.  I think I'm going to email Jeremiah a friendly random hello and very candidly ask if he would like to be pals again.  I don't like lingering hostility... and we did have a lot of fun together as friends before anything intimate occurred.  I wonder if a 1:31AM random email would be borderline "I wonder if she was drunk."  Hmmmmm naaaaaaah it's college.  *writes email*

    Hmmm...... ... well.  lol.  Eeeeh looks like that random friendly hello just went to the shitter.  Message delivery failure.  Hmmmmmmm... *curious*..... Well see now I'm too stubborn to give up on the idea and have to succeed.  I wonder if this number listed on the email account is his cell........ welp, let's see if that text went through.  I hear Oleander terrorizing Circe... perhaps I should intervene.... hmmm.... that's allllllll the way across the room.  Oh you know a random text at 1:42am is a lot worse than a random email lol.  Hmmm.  Oh whatever lol.  Bleck I have chaffing from running so much with crappy shorts.  Ouuuuuch.  So not attractive.  Although since the only one who would care is about five states away... I suppose I can chaffe all I want.  Mmmm chaffing.... mmm yeah.  Meh I miss Evan.  I should go to sleep.  Gotta get up in 4.5 f-ing hrs.  Not even tired.  -_- siiiigh.  You know I should go running when I wake up and take a shower afterward instead of running at night.  I love oranges... Love for Three Oranges is a retarded play.  K wow I need sleep I'm sounding like I have ADD.

    Quote of the day:  "And then we could have sex on the toilet."  -- something like that lol.  Evan and I's sexual experimentation is going too far........ heheheehehe

  • Love


    Again, I've been meaning to post here for a while.  Eeh whatever at least I update at least once a year.  I am currently eating cinnamon toast crunch and it.. is good..

    SO updates

    Love Life:
    Would it be too cheesy to say it's perfect?  Yes.. yes it probably would be.  Me being a loving libra, happy love life usually means happy me whether I'd like to admit that or not.  I truly believe I've found my soul mate, love of my life, the "one".  (K this is probably going to get REALLY sappy so you might want to scroll on...)  You know in high school, I ... just would NEVER have thought I'd end up with Evan.  I kinda just... toyed with him and thought he was really cute, but not my type and a little too immature for me.... just a friend.  But I never really took the time to get to know him.  I was so judgmental and friggin' hypnotized by who-shall-not-be-named.  Anyway... Evan and I lost touch after he graduated and joined the Marines... went to Iraq... honestly I hadn't a clue whatever happened to him.  I thought about him once in a while...if something reminded me of him.  But it wasn't as if I even really... missed him... I just got curious once in a while.  I still had my old impression of him from high school.  Then he got in touch with me on facebook... a random message:

    December 15 at 8:48pm
    SHELBI holy crap ive been tryin to get a hold of you for ever and a day call me 260-402-2044

    I was excited, surprised, giddy, and curious.... maybe even cautious.  So I called him.  Nathan was in the room with me when I did... I think we were working on a P211 project.  We talked for a while... tried to play catch-up... and decided to hang out over XMAS break.  I see him soon after I get back... the instant... and I mean the INSTANT he walked through the front door xmas evening... yeah.  Wow lol.  For one, he was gorgeous.  So... so... so handsome.  More than I remembered.   He had grown up into a gorgeous sexy man.  Second, it was just this unexpected rising of excitement and giddiness taking over me.  Very unexpected.  That led to me jumping into him hugging him again and again lol.. just... SO happy to see him.  I couldn't even really pinpoint why... it's not like I had been missing him really... and I wasn't that excited when he first got in touch with me on facebook.... Just...seeing him.   I don't know.  And seeing how he looked at me... I could just tell how much he adored me.  Anyway, I think he and I went upstairs to talk or...something... gosh it's kinda a blur.  At one point he went back out to his vehicle to grab his dog tags he wore in Iraq and said he wanted me to have them.  That.... was.... the biggest clue lol... heeeee definitely cared for me a LOT.... I was ...not... expecting that either.  I mean sure I thought maybe we'd still have a crush on each other, but... to give me those was a big deal.  And he had a gift for me... which was underwear lol.   It said "Property of a Marine" on the top.  Minus the degrating "property" part of it, AHEM, it was very eh... presumptuous of him.  But, I didn't mind.  The whole time I was with him that day I was just in slight shock and constantly pleasantly surprised to the point of being... overwhelmed, really.  He also confessed to me that he has liked me SINCE our two week little relationship in high school.  He never got over me.  That was very...very overwhelming, but not in a bad way...just... surprised.  I really didn't know what to think.  He was so much more mature, but still had the kid in him.  So ... built and sexy... such a gentleman.... he had apparantly never gotten over me... the gifts... I mean everything lol.  Wow.  And we talked... and... you know all the emotions running through me and the excitement to see him and knowing how much he adored me and the fact that I still had something there for him... for me it was kinda like a what the hell, let's date.  On his part... I know it meant a lot more at the time.  It took me a while to come around. 

    Anyway... that shock sorta turned into a... "I want to jump him.  Now."  sort of attitude lol.  Yeeeeah... SO... we ended up watching tv on the couch in the family room all night long... and eventually some touchy-feely-ness and extra kissing on his part took place.  It was ....way too fast lol, BUT... it turned out to be just fine.  With us it was fine.  Really... really fine... I could see how... much he had...desired me for soooo long and I could see the relief and pleasure in his expressions and his eyes.. like he had been waiting for this for so long.  And it wasn't horniness at all really.. it was like foreplay for making love.  It was like two people who are deeply in love together... yet.. we hadn't communicated in two years.  It sounds really skanky but... it just wasn't.  It really wasn't.  And we didn't go that far.  SO anyway, we end up kissing until we fall asleep... And for the rest of the break, we are inseperatable.  We fell in love... very quickly.  I got closer to him each day we were together.  When he left at the airport, it was a hard kick in the heart how hard it's going to be with a long distance relationship, but we're making it work.

    From xmas break til spring break, the main thing was getting to know each other very well.  Everything about us.  I was wondering there for a while he was ever going to really... KNOW me.  I'm complicated lol.  But... he does.  And I know him.  And I adore everything about him... and it seems to be vice-versa.  We are SO perfect for each other it's... amazing.  You know my favorite movie, "What Dreams May Come" has been number one on my top 100 list for a long time.... and one of the main reasons it's up there is because of the incredible relationship the main characters have.  They are so... completely... and openly in love.  Not the sappy bullshit love... but the deep deep deep love they have for each other is so strong that even death cannot separate their connection.  They aren't whole without each other.  I've been wanting that my entire life.  I've been wishing/praying for it my entire life... And that's ... how Evan and I are becoming.  We're not.. quiiiite there.  We're not married, we haven't lived together, we don't share children or a house... but as far as a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship goes... long distance or not... there is not a single couple who is closer than us.  I am going to marry this guy... I'm going to be with him for the rest of my life... and I can't wait.    Words cannot say how much I love him.

    Ha, wow... yeah the love life section took up much more of this entry than I expected.    heeeheeee.....

    I have five internships this year!!  BWHAHAHAHA!  Okay two are still not technically official, but eh... yeah I have them.    hehehehe...

    1.  Indiana Legal Services: Bloomington, IN  downtown
    2.  Army Leadership Traning Course: Fort Knox, Kentucky
    3.  Gloria Bolino, J.D.: Fort Wayne, IN (pending-ish)
    4.  Ben Nordmann Law Firm: Fort Wayne, IN
    5.  IUPD Cadet Program: Bloomington, IN (pending-ish)

    hehehehehehehe.    AND lots of volunteering.  As for grades lol... well they're decent.  I'm about a B student.  Offically double majoring in psychology BA and near middle eastern studies BA.  No minors... pre-law.  I might go to law school here.  Woot criminal law... or family... or both!  Or even real estate.  Still looking toward working for the FBI or CIA.  More so FBI.  In the process of networking for that. 

    I have a tarantula I adoooore named Athena.    She's cute.  I got her solely to cure my arachnephobia.  It worked lol.  Shock therapy.  Nathan and Andy are my witnesses!  Calypso recently passed away... she was my favorite rat.  Still have Circe... and Oleander is new.  They are finicky but cute. 

    Hahahahahahahahhaa...aaah haha...ha....haha....yeeeeeah haha.  hahaha.  Ummm..... OKAY so.  One ski injury, two bad bike injuries... and some precancer cells on my cervix.  FUN!  lol.  My bike is trashed... I have to get it fixed sometime.  I've had a concussion... split open head (not the skull thank God), though I do have a pretty decent scar.  Lots and I mean LOTS LOTS LOTS of bruises.  I looked friggin' hilarious.  I guess that's what you get for tumbling twenty feet on asphalt....    damn skateboarders running a stop sign at night with dark clothing and no refectors or lights on them.  I was on my racing bike with lights... going really f-ing fast downhill in the racing position on the lower bars and I saw him pull out in front of me and in an instant, I wake up on the ground.  I don't remember crashing into them at all.  Nothing.  Coming into conscious and lying in a pool of your own blood.. I wasn't anywhere remotely near my bike.  The blood was warm.. a very VERY strong iron-y smell... egh..  It's a little traumatic.  I mean I hate weakness and I really played the whole thing off to not be a big deal but.. eeeh yeah I don't like to think about it.  I woke up in a very ... twisted position all thrown about on the ground.... huge cut above my eye all poofy to the point I couldn't see very well out of it... I heard one guy screaming nonstop somewhere behind me... vaguely saw the guy above me frantically talking on the phone to paramedics or something and heard an ambulance in the distance... my blood was still... spilling out of my head..  The puddle was getting bigger as I watched it.  Like a lot bigger.  Pooling out of me.... I could smell it... it was thick on the ground... ruby red... warm.  one of my nostrils was kind of in it and I had to raise it up a little because I couldn't breathe... I couldn't move my entire body.  Maybe it was shock or something because my spine was fine.  Holy fuck being a psych major...... I was analyzing immidiately what I had done.  I was so...so fucking worried that I couldn't move.  I remember shouting over and over to the guy above me that "I can't move... I CAN'T MOVE!!!  I can't move I can't move my legs"... I just can't get that incredibly strong smell of blood out of my mind.  And the warmth of it and feeling it pool under me... I had a really deep cut on my head from my helmet slicing into it and it just bled so much because the head is so vascular.  But I didn't know that.  I didn't know if I had cracked open my skull ... broken my spinal chord.. I was terrified.  Absolutely fucking terrified.  And you know I know I had pain.. I felt the biggest heartbeat pounding in my head you could imagine... especially when I barely tried to move my nostril out of the blood.  Just that slight centimeter of movement was very... very difficult to do.  It almost knocked me back out.  But the pain itself I didn't really... feel I guess you could say.  I mean I had some.. but I just wasn't thinking about it and the endorphins were helping too... I was just really...scared.  Anyway out of fear and it was my brain's way of dealing with it or just because of my injuries, I blacked out again.  Next thing I know I vaguely remember paramedics putting me on a stretcher... they put me in a neck brace in case I had spine injuries and put me in the ambulance.  I remember saying "my bike!  my bike!" and wouldn't shut up until I saw it next to me in the ambulance lol.  I actually turned my head to check to make sure it was there regardless of the pain I was in.  The female paramedic kept trying to keep me talking.  I told her that I may have an occipital lobe injury and kept going on and on about psych stuff... she got the impression I was premed, which I corrected later in the hospital when she came to visit me.  I was just babbling... I really didn't have control of it.  It was like part of me was babbling and trying to answer her questions, making sense or not... and the other half of me was thinking clearly..ish... in my head about my injuries.  I keep slightly blacking in and out of consciousness.... next thing I remember I'm lying on the stretcher in the hallway of the hosptial... it seems pretty busy.  I was like in this half dream stage at all times.   You know when you're not fully awake and in the process of falling asleep?  Dreaming and reality seem to combine?  That?  Yeah.. that what I was in.... One minute I'd be having sensible thoughts and the next other things were making it like a dream.... then some nurses came by and gave me an IV of dilaudid, which woke me up.  I kept saying "what are you doing?!  what are you doing!!!!"  eye-ing that IV needle lol.  God I hate IVs.  A random lady came by to hold my hand while they gave it to me.  She was nice.  Then I was knocked out by the drugs... I kinda remember coming into consciousness for the MRI....once I was already inside it lol.  A little disconcerting... And I remember the nurses trying to get me to sit up for ...something.... an x-ray maybe?  Yeah I don't even know.... it was all really ... fuzzy.  Then I was in the hospital room... the drugs started wearing off a bit and I don't even remember when I realized Andy was there.  Apparantly I talked to Evan on the phone.. I ...don't really remember that.  He was the one who got Andy there   Stitches sucked... The docs gave me two more bags of IVs....  then Nathan Mensah came to pick up Andy and I... and my bike lol.  Aaand Andy spent the night with me to keep an eye on me and I passed out.  Woke up with lots of blood on my pillow wee.  I was out of it for the rest of the night. 

    SO that's that for the main injury.  The separated shoulder was pretty bad too... Nathan Haffner (and Phil Thompson) was there with me for that.  That brought Nathan and I closer as friends I think. 

    Anyhoo.. I can't concentrate very well talking on the phone with Evan and writing, so this is good enough for now

    Quote of the day by Evan Wilson:  "Never look back because you might miss what's in front of you."
    Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm  *scratches chin* 

  • Venting

    OleanderDali: i'm really discouraged with rowing.
    OleanderDali: today he gave us new lineups for the boat and there's 5 boats... only three can race
    OleanderDali: i'm not in a racing boat.
    OleanderDali: soooo....
    OleanderDali: basically this entire year of practice is going to be for nothing
    OleanderDali: all the 6 foot friggin amazon girls are racing
    OleanderDali: i mean i really have zero incentive to get up at 5 in the morning everyday and waste every saturday and listen to his bitching.
    OleanderDali: it just really sucks. 
    OleanderDali: i don't want to quit... yet i feel like i'm working my ass off and not getting anything out of it
    OleanderDali: i mean imagine band camp and then not competing.
    bartokman37: hmmm
    OleanderDali: all that practice... and then nothing.
    bartokman37: yeah
    bartokman37: well
    bartokman37: okay
    bartokman37: that's dumb
    OleanderDali: yep
    bartokman37: you should quit!
    bartokman37: like i always say!
    bartokman37: quiiiit!
    OleanderDali: lol
    OleanderDali: i just wish i could compete!  there's like 20 girls who are screwed out of fun
    OleanderDali: well no more like 30
    OleanderDali: and the three top boats get to go out on the water everyday
    OleanderDali: while we are doing weight training and running up the stadium steps
    OleanderDali: it's just like what the hell
    bartokman37: hmm
    bartokman37: yeah
    bartokman37: there's nothing else for you guys to do?
    bartokman37: no like, little people competition?
    bartokman37: lol
    OleanderDali: nope, we only have three boats for girls competition
    OleanderDali: and three for guys
    OleanderDali: so... yep
    OleanderDali: and there's a trip to tampa this xmas break
    OleanderDali: ONLY the three boats get to go
    OleanderDali: it's just... really... not.. fair
    OleanderDali: we are working just as hard... actually harder.  you don't see them running up the stadium
    OleanderDali: and it's like he's given up on us.  we hardly ever go out on the water and when we do he just gripes the whole time
    OleanderDali: WELL what does he expect if he doesn't train us
    OleanderDali: we've been out on the water like three times total
    OleanderDali: the other group goes out every single day
    OleanderDali: GEE i wonder why they know what they're doing more than us
    OleanderDali: solely because they are taller
    OleanderDali: SOLELY
    OleanderDali: it's so stupid!
    OleanderDali: some of us are stronger... in fact a lot of us are stronger than those girls
    OleanderDali: but our legs aren't as long so we physically can't row as large as a stroke each time
    OleanderDali: it's just so incredibly frustrating
    OleanderDali: all of us are talking about it and upset.  we've mentioned it to him and he's just so pissy all the time anyway and so damned stubborn it doesn't do any good at all
    OleanderDali: ...anyway sorry.  i haven't vented to anyone besides the other rowing girls and it's really getting to me
    OleanderDali: it's all for nothing.
    bartokman37: hmmmm
    OleanderDali: and yet he's so damned vague he keeps giving us false hope that we'll race the next time, and then he says the top three are going again
    OleanderDali: or the top two
    bartokman37: well yeah
    bartokman37: sounds like what coaches do sometimes
    bartokman37: quit!
    bartokman37: yeeep.
    OleanderDali: sigh. 
    bartokman37: how's non rowing life?
    OleanderDali: well classes suck cause i keep sleeping past them.  ...cause of rowing!  lol.
    bartokman37: mhm
    OleanderDali: josh, one of jeremiah's apartment-mates, texted me happy birthday.  it... really sucks that jeremiah didn't even say happy birthday.  i mean obviously josh had to have gotten my number from him and he probably only did it to be nice on jeremiah's behalf, you know? 
    OleanderDali: so that hurts.  i figured he would at least text or something.
    OleanderDali: he definitely knew when it was, especially since even his apartment mates knew.
    OleanderDali: whatever.
    OleanderDali: i really liked him and he definitely took a 180 and sorta broke my heart.  buuut that's my love life.

  • Meh 2

    Welp... hello....

    I should be studying for middle eastern politics right now.  I can't concentrate on anything.  The reading is dull and I've already been going over my notes for the past few days.  Going to a study session in about an hour.. yeeeep no ambition.  And math sucks, so I don't want to do that either lol.  Yeeeep just sitting here.  I'm half-watching the game with Brandon and playing around with my newly downloaded photoshop.  Woot photoshop! 

    Patriots lost.  Damnit.  To MIAMI!  Weeeeeeeeeee Miami!  Suck ass.